
Why is it that everything written in nearly every publication, on nearly any topic, even a story about a fictional land with dragons, zombies & priests who can raise the dead has to have racial undertones assigned?

That’s BS!

Why be careful, it’s that kind of thinking that allowed such lunacy to become ‘politically correct’. We need to return to common sense and being careful isn’t going to get us there.

Transgender BOY wins GIRLS competition. How ludicrous! These parents must be sooo proud


Oh & your mythical switch on the issues between Democrats and Republicans never happened that’s a Democrat lie.

Where did you get that load of B.S.? MLK knew LBJ was a complete racist. “we will have all the niggers voting Democrat for a hundred years” LBJ in reference to his social programs.

ROFLMAO - the zombie apocalypse has started soon humanity will be overrun by mindless walking dead who have been infected with Libtardism

How about closing some of the 170 military bases in foreign countries? That makes way more sense than domestic bases. Its so ridiculous that the country that was never meant to have a standing army has become the greatest warmonger in world history

Ya the F-35 might be the biggest waste of $ in military history. My grandfather’s crop duster could bring one of those down

I just read yesterday that the US military is going to spend $580 million to replace their M9 9mm with Sig Sauer P320s “because they are more modern” as a combat vet who has carried the M9 and who currently owns a Sig 320 in .40 cal here is my assessment...

None of those other people funded the overthrow of governments. None of those other people were Nazi collaborators who helped send their fellow Jews to the ovens. You people look at issues through a straw and pretend like you know what is going on. Go back to watching TV

Where do you live?

The New York Times was the first one to report that 50 of these groups were in fact funded by Soros and was organized by Hamas. The irony is that the author of the New York Times article is a Muslim woman. You couldn’t make this stuff up. LOL

Your an idiot! Go read the Wikileaks & find out whicj party is full of racists.

Actually he is the guy who claims to be anti-war and it’s true he voted against the Iraq war, but then turned around and voted to fund it. In fact he has voted for funding every single military action that has gone thru Congress since he has been there.

It’s embarrassing to be an American when even 1 single person would vote to make this idiot anything above dog catcher

They have zero truth or logic on their side, so...........

Bet he is a millionaire now though isn’t he?

The only facts that matter to people like Momotaro is identity related. Booker is black & gay how could he be dishonest LOL!