Enjoy your kool-aid slave
Enjoy your kool-aid slave
The answer doesn’t lay in more government bureaucracy/agencies. The pharmaceutical companies need to be busted up like AT&T was back in the day and patent protection time needs to be reduced to next to nothing. This will create a highly competitive market that will drive prices to the lowest possible levels.
Every single member of Congress who is not a millionaire prior to being elected is a millionaire by the time they leave office. They receive pensions that are ridiculous on the people’s dime. They passed Obamacare, but exempted themselves. Harry Reid had nothing before he was elected & now owns balf the state of…
Even the left wing wacko Jill Stein said Clinton was a much greater war threat then Trump
After having a president who bombed 8 countries who was at war the entire time he was in office & who was the only Nobel peace prize winner who has bombed another peace prize winner you have some kind of concern about warmongering?
Alex you are a typical libtard idiot!
I guess this site only allows comments from the leftist point of view. More communist censorship. I’m gone, will not be back. Enjoy wallowing im your own filth
You are not racist you have been indoctrinated
How is that Kool-aid you have been drinking?
I say call it like you see it no matter the consequences. Can’t wait until these low life traitors are out of the White House, it’s such a shame we had a drag queen for a first ‘lady’ for 8 years
All you have to do is look around you the left would love nothing more than to eradicate white Christian males
As a strong conservative/classical liberal who loves a broad range of talk radio, but have never liked Beck. The vibe he gives off reminds me of the sniveling kidnapper dude in Paul Walker’s (God rest his soul) movie Running Scared