Fuck him sideways and vigorously with a rusty Eiffel Tower. How on earth does he throw this kind of merde at his national team and former team-mates this close to the Euros?
You have to be some kind of Trump to go where he has gone.
Sir Alex was not perfect.
That rider is tame, reasonable and very undemanding compared to 98% of the riders one sees on large shows and even small shows. I might add that we recorded him at a large festival years back in his prime and his total crew, including him, was five guys. There was no partying, they barely touched the food and drinks…
Didn’t Sidd throw it 126mph? Hazy, lazy memory here.
It ain’t called a homer for nothing!
It is all a misunderstanding. He thought she had touchdown syndrome.
Greg Norman will be buying him drinks for years. Spieth beat Norman’s choke like rented mule. Beautiful it was.
No it isn’t. Replies like yours on the other hand...
Does the announcer really have to say “she is wide-open in the box”?
What?? No mention of his supposed glass tabletop shattering indiscretion that was obliquely reported and generally linked to his understanding that he was not ready for commitment to his fianceé?
Babes for Trump??? Uh... no.
More like ‘Skank For Wank’.
I find Deadspin far more readable today and have little doubt its collective hockey IQ has increased rather impressively. I know... that is not saying a lot but as they say in the gallows business... a step up is a step up.
Genius. It rarely is obvious to the pedestrian.
Agreed... and kudos for the players coming back to the rescue instead of the all too often failure to... back-check!
Nice HST homage.
I presume you are not a puck fan. The Ref was in the perfect position and he did what he needed to do to protect himself. The players knew it too and gave him a good natured helmet rub.
Hey! I starred my own post and have cut the lead dramatically!
As opposed to the hundreds of stars adorning the replies?
Whatever. I never realised just how validating stars from anonymous posters were!
Was this man honestly a coaching candidate for the National Team?