
I will buy a 360 solely for the purpose of playing this game.

I've watched this four times so far today and it's just astounding how unsettling Fassbender's performance is. It's that detached control that feels like anything but - the calm before the storm.

Fascinating read - thank you.

The only Three-Ply David cares about is on his android toilet paper.

Brilliant! Thank you!

David is wonderfully contradictory and deeply creepy - can't wait to see him flip out when things get muddled.

This week! On Avalanche Rescue Cats!

Curious how this stacks up to Fitocracy...

Barely helpful - got the name of some good greens to try, but no tips on how to actually create a container garden. That's the piece I need!

Read the headline as "Peeable"

If you find spotted auroras on uranus, please contact a medical professional.

Shows off your backside.

Gorram Reavers.

I want to break into the industry just on the off-chance I'll get to meet Tara Strong

Oh man, I remember Hooky. Probably one of the most fucked up Spidey stories I ever laid eyes on, art-wise.

So all I need to do to revive my dream of a deadly bovine army is to reintroduce aurochs?

I dunno - I didn't realize perpetual lip pout was all you needed to express dignity (or fear...or horror...or happiness...)

You never go full snout.

"I'd kill for a bamboo smoothie right now."

Everyone else is seeing a sex toy too...right?