

Interestingly enough - there was a Doomsday book quite a few years back called "Dust" that espoused just that.


You almost prove your point here. Almost, except for the fact you used an exclamation mark. While it's true that some punctuation is included in the quotations only if it is part of what is being quoted, this is not true for periods and commas, which are always included in the quotation marks. As per the AP Style

Surely, you meant "Shirley."

Exactly - quality control is where they fail next to LEGO. I just hope that Blizz is holding their feet to the fire on this, because the sets look like a lot of fun.

Guarantee that every single one of those models is covered in glue. I really want to like these, I do; but I've never built a MegaBloks set that didn't shatter at the first touch/breath/sideways glance.

Yo Big Dog! I hear you like drones, so I put drones in your drones so that you can launch drones while you're launching your drones.

Why, they die, MR. BOND!


I still think Black Widow's over-the-shoulder-explosion looks like an explosive bit of gas.

"...Tony Stark's mouth vs. the rest of the guys..."

...in bed.

Well it's definitely an "OH GOD!" face if I ever saw one.

If you click through to the notes, he cites Big O as a visual reference.

Down with the Pouleteriat!


I'm masturbating into a bowl of corn flakes whilst nibbling on a graham cracker right now!

Would be curious to hear how this matches up to Fitocracy. Is this an instance where a long "Beta" has allowed another company to swoop in and fill a gap?

They used up their armored vehicle budget on stainless steel kitchen appliances and hardwood flooring.