
I saw this over on Massively last night and the only that kept me from buying 10 copies of the game was the pesky "Card Over Limit" message that started popping up after the fifth copy was purchased.

Interesting. I installed the AdBlock extension and it made the site readable again. BUT, it blocked my account. I can't log back in to any Gawker site or post comments until I disabled it.


New TRON Monopoly from Hasbro! Now the MCP Tower controls your every move!

New TRON Monopoly from Hasbro! Now the MCP Tower controls your every move!

You know that kid had "Highway to the Danger Zone" blaring for the last 30 seconds of that auction as he swooped in and sniped it.

OK, I'd love to read this article, but the Diesel ad that keeps popping up with the couple making out isn't really the work friendliest in the world. And since it constitutes the ENTIRE left-hand side of the article, I can't exactly scroll past it without skipping the article entirely. I'm sorry guys, I'm trying to

Two men, one conch?

Lassie truck was great "I didn't know this town *had* a volcano!"


I just want to see the Orcs keep coming back with bigger and bigger siege monsters until the Coke Cats start chucking compressed syrup canisters at them.

As much as I hate Coke's advertising, I give the animators for this year's ad a lot of respect. Sans product placement, I'd watch the hell out of a feature-length movie that featured those characters. Sure, I'm a sucker for dragons, but I wanted to see who won in the long run.

#6 is just sooooo damn wrong. I love it.

Somewhere, there was a designer crying as his supervisor came in and said "Hey, them Teen Titans is popular, shoehorn Cyborg into the robot line too."

Obviously pants are a luxury - otherwise Robin wouldn't *still* be stuck wearing briefs instead of big-boy pants.

I believe I speak for us all, and I mean this most sincerely...

Hrm...is the ability to edit comments gone? Pity, that.

Sorry, but Iceman didn't benefit from any of Emma's *ahem* assets. He just looked like a spikey, long-haired version of his regular self. I usually wouldn't bother correcting such a moot (and titillating) point, but it's the first example *and* one of my favorite X-Men storylines from that era.

400,000 sq. feet of cheese? You bet there's "frequent explosions."

@Lolotehe: LOL - you two have officially ruined The Hobbit for me.