
It is an interesting bridge between the third movie and the original SW. Here, we still have a lot of Anakin, but as a more mature young man in his prime. Squaring this against the broken man we saw without the suit in the original trilogy, well I can imagine that he physically started breaking down much quicker than

@Krakenstein MK-II: Niiiiiice. If you imagine every droid just talking in that voice to mess w/ people's heads, Star Wars becomes *that* much better.

@zapan: Are you kidding? I fully expect, if one were to enter Lucas' private commode, one would fine well-worn copies of Stumps Quarterly.

"Now, that's a dragon you've seen before," he said. "I just added these samurai legs. That doesn't work for me."

I have a pair of Bikilas and run in them regularly. They're amazing and have transformed my opinion of long-distance running (I used to be a major hater).

@ExistentialEgg: I am so damn proud to be the progenitor of this thread.

@Duffasaurus: I think we *all* were thinking the exact same thing and couldn't hit reply fast enough. Bravo for being the fastest perv, Duff.

I prefer the #9 alternative:

Smells fishy.

Spock looks a bit like Grey Hulk.


Wrap a rubberband around my...what now?

I'm emblazoning all my business cards with "I'll kick a deer's ass!"

Hrmph. Where's the #killjoy hashtag?

Cop: We'll wait for him to come back!

I kinda knew about Bane, having been there back when he was introduced in Knightfall. Then I discovered him again in the (righteously awesome) Secret Six. But I didn't know what he'd been up to in the interim. Thanks for filling in the blanks!