
@MonkeyT: YOJOE! YOJOE! YOJOOOOOOOOE! Heh-heh, heh-heh, hehe-heeeeh.

Has to be said:

@dirtybacon: Was coming in here to nerd rage about that. The diamond thing happened durring Morrison's run when everyone had to have secondary mutations (except Wolverine, unless you count brooding as a mutant power).

@ThisGuy: I see what you did there.

@lordkyellan: Warning! Organism is in violation of Law 2! Execute Law 3 at this unit's discretion!

@chanmoss: It's a five year old product that's not done well in the market; I don't think that it's beyond reason that they would ditch support to focus on the new hawtness.

What would be nice is if we had a universal set of behavioral directives that all developers could use. A "law" system if you will. Maybe there could be, oh, I don't know...three of them?

@Geisrud: What? You would prefer a Zin, maybe?

@Mufinn Man: With a scientific name like "Baller Bone Dock" what did you expect?

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Their hand will blend nicely. The resultant pate will be redolent of bacon...add some sage and pair with a kicky Reisling.

Microsoft's response to all naysayers:

@persona-j: Similar reason as to why every gameplay trailer pales in comparison to the CGI trailers. Platonic Ideal of DCUO vs. Sad Reality of DCUO.

And here everyone thought the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was just a cute joke.

"Pietrov, you never call, you never write, instead you tell me you are going West to become 'Big American Spy.' I wonder if your Big American Spy friends (who I have conveniently sent the cipher for this broadcast) would like to know that Pietrov Treshanko wet his bed till he was 15. Do you think they'd like to know

How did I not know about this? FTJ for Villain of the Year!

I worked for a firm that conducted a relaxation survey. They wanted to find out what effect recirculated air had on the blood pressure of test subjects. Sadly, the procedures were not proofread and instructed the subjects to "point their feces at the air-recirculation devices."