
If it happens, I hope it happens after he retires. Definitely not while they're playing baseball together.

Wait… did you just call Constantine a bad film? Sure, it's probably a bad adaptation if we're judging it based on faithfulness(or lack thereof) to its source material but as a standalone movie, it's pretty good.

I second Jesse Eisenberg.

Any chance to blame men huh? Lol. Even women who are corrupt can't be corrupt on their own terms apparently.

In response to your comment about Eminem lacking self awareness, I don't think you've been paying attention. Eminem has self-awareness in abundance.

To be fair, Landis himself has said that Chronicle is the only film with his name attached to it that followed 100% of his script.

I think the issue with people feeling like they were insulted is they're putting too much emphasis on the twists in the narrative when the show itself does not. The fight club like twist last season and the prison reveal are not treated as centerpieces by the show. They're just small cogs in a very large machine. And

Vin Diesel is a cool dude. I've always liked him too. I don't know. He has that "I'm just happy to be here" attitude. I appreciate his enthusiasm.

If it was just considered "influence" before Odelay, then what's the problem? And why would he need a pass for sounding like BB on Odelay when The Dust Brothers were involved?

Most people who have claimed to have been burnt out on Telltale games were brought back into the fold by Tales From The Borderlands. Trust me, it's no fluke. It's probably their best work. You chose a hell of a game start off on. It's downhill from there. Lol.

30 Seconds To Mars isn't emo. Even if they were, there's nothing wrong with emo. The best band to come out of the 21st century is an emo band(that would be Brand New).

He's old. At this point, I don't take much stock into people of his generation. Time has passed them by and they don't understand. It is what it is.

Except AJ has nothing to show for it. A champion saying "I'm better than you" is par for the course. Also, AJ is a brat. Dean isn't. If anything, AJ and Ziggler are more alike. Both end up complaining a lot and stomp their feet at their opponents like heelish babies. Just sayin.

Ambrose didn't really come off as a heel at all. He spouted lots of a truth in a very blunt way. Ziggler was definitely more heelish in this episode.

The most interesting match Bray and Dean ever had together was the one where Bray tried to convince Dean to join him on the dark side before realizing Dean's inner darkness was freakin scary man. It was a nice piece of booking, kind of referencing Dean's past in the indys for anyone paying attention. They didn't

It doesn't have to apply to his own movies. The idea that it does is ridiculous. And to be honest, I've never seen anyone complain about Linklater making movies only about white people. Mostly because I don't think anyone actually wants to see him make movies about people he doesn't know about. Linklater is white and

The Newton Boys is pretty unremarkable. It's not bad or anything. It's just not particularly good either. Tape is really interesting and worth a watch. School of Rock is charming.

Mad Max was released in 79. The Mad Max movie discussed in this article is The Road Warrior.

The Road Warrior is better than Raiders of the Lost Ark.

It's hard not to admire Eminem, for multiple reasons. Mostly that he tries to push boundaries. Even today, where his music seems to have less focus, what he is doing is trying to figure out whichever way possible to rhyme words. He's in his 40s, but he seems more interested in the art form of rap than ever before. Not