
Nope. Not quite. Your Favorite Weapon is still their worst album.

Daisy is their best album, so you have really high expectations then.

Daisy has always been my favorite of theirs. It's one of the more dense albums I've listened to, but it seems like I'm always finding something new on it every time I listen.

This record is incredible.

When I read his comment, I immediately thought of Timothy Olyphant as the other guy on his list. I would say I'm surprised to see someone else who came to the same conclusion, but I'm really not. Timothy Olyphant is walking charisma personified.

Gattaca should be on here.

Sure, he could talk like he had an open mind. But in truth, he didn't have one at all. If he did, he would have come around ages ago.

He wouldn't have given it a second thought. Ebert could never wrap his head around video games as an art form.

DmC is infamous for reasons that have nothing to do with its quality. That game is a masterpiece of avant-garde action.

Keanu. You can always rely on Keanu.

Jessica Williams had no part in writing this movie. Strouse did the screenplay.

As good of a reason as any I imagine.

Supergiant Games seems to be getting more and more abstract with their ideas. Interesting. You usually find developers making games that progressively get more accessible but not in this case.

He was incredible in A Scanner Darkly.


Metro Exodus had the best trailer.

I've also seen most of his filmography, and I've liked just about all of his movies. Lol.

If age doesn't matter, then Walton Goggins should play the role. If age does matter… then I have absolutely no clue.

They've been trying to get a live action movie to be made for years. But you know those huge studios. They don't know what the hell they're doing.

His response being Fight Club was a joke.