
I wouldn't say that. I thought Guy Pearce was better. I also thought Charlie Hunnam was better, which is something I thought I'd never say.

I'm not entirely certain that it's going to go completely back on the shelf in the first place to be honest. The great thing about this show is that it has the kind of pace most shows of its kind don't have. It's not afraid to go through certain dramatic points very quickly. I mean, just look at how much has already


Never understood this line of thinking. If a show is good, doesn't matter what they changed or how much they changed from the source material.

Lucifer shouldn't be good. It is though.

It also helps to have him explain himself a tad bit better, which he absolutely did in this episode.

What the writers are doing with Blaine/Peyton/Ravi is pretty fantastic to be honest. Really complex stuff going on there.

Did you not read the review though? I mean, why be so negative here? Apparently, he was great in this film. Are you the type of person to rain on someone's parade? Lol.

I think a lot of the "innocence" from Blaine last season had to deal with him reconciling with the fact that he has no idea what the hell is going on. It was mostly the confusion that made him seem innocent. But now he seems to be going with the flow, which is a very Blaine thing to do. However, I don't think he's

Did you just equate full grown women to children? Lol. Women should legitimately be insulted.

Tron: Legacy is pretty underrated in my opinion. I thought the characters were pretty solid, even if the dialogue was a bit stilted.

I'm just really good at separating people and their art. It's not for everyone, clearly.

Logic doesn't really hold up. Acting is a freelancing job. Actors don't work for just one company. If he sexually harassed someone on the set of Manchester By The Sea and then won an award for his performance in it, then you could use that comparison.

Eh, I thought he had the best performance out of the ones nominated, so he deserved the award. But that's just how I view award shows in general. How you perceive them is pretty valid, even if I don't really agree with it.

I'm a huge Hellblazer fan, but I'm one of the few people who read comics I imagine that doesn't view comic books as untouchable. If a good film is made, it doesn't matter if its unfaithful or not. It's still good.

Constantine is NOT a bad movie. It's just a bad adaptation. As a standalone movie, it's pretty incredible.

That's not really how writers write stories though. They don't write based on what isn't being written by other writers. They write what they want to write. Understand?

Tom Cruise playing "Tom Cruise" is a myth. He's actually a pretty great actor. Anyone who takes a closer look at his films would realize this.

Not so much Blackhat simply because it's only been out for a couple of years but you'd be surprised how many people love Miami Vice in retrospect. Do I think it's his best? No. But I can see why a lot of people would.

The Dark Knight can have all the homages to Michael Mann it wants. It's still not as stylish, cool, or thought provoking.