
Flawed logic. Justified can be thoroughly enjoyed just by listening to it. So enjoying it by watching on a phone is most certainly plausible. The wonders of legitimately fantastic dialogue.

This review contains a lot of pondering and over-thinking. Lol.

Ambrose's shoulders weren't even down for the first part of the count and we could barely see Rollins shoulders in the replay. In the end, Ambrose retaining makes more sense than Rollins winning after that finish and a rematch makes even more sense.

Pretty sure the only way Battlefield can work as a tv show is if they adapt Battlefield: Bad Company. That game is just ripe for an adaptation.

"He sounds so similar in every role."

I think it was a youtube video where he was specific about it. Not sure if it's still up though.

Might be his last comedy special too. He said in an interview that Make Happy is everything he's wanted to say in the last couple of specials, so he's probably done.

Disney doesn't understand Star Wars. So this is no surprise.

Well, sometimes beauty is the eye of the beholder. I though Knightly was quite charming and well cast in Begin Again.

Ah yes, Noah Hawley… I miss The Unusuals.

One of the best albums of the year. It most certainly deserved that A.

She's the next Alison Lohman.

There's something undeniably charming about that first movie.

Right, those earlier Doom games blur together for me. Lol.

The original Doom has a story. Something about Doomguy getting revenge for the murder of his pet bunny…

"Can a game have its violence and criticize it, too?"

I actually thought the villain was really solid. Zemo is unmemorable precisely because he's nothing special in terms of what he can do. He's extremely subtle for a comic book movie villain. Less over the top and understands his limits in comparison to the superheroes around him. His motives were understandable and his

I find KOTOR1 to essentially be an overrated attempt at recreating the
experience of the movies, but in game form. Ya know, it's just a nice
little romp throughout the universe. Which I guess is fine for people
who are fans of the Star Wars movies. I'm not. I'm a casual fan of the
universe but the movies are my least

As a finale to a season that might be the only one we get, I guess I'm fine with it. It ends on a pretty definitive note. Obviously, if it comes back for season two, I'm gonna expect a bit more than what the finale hinted at, but for right now I'm okay with it.

I saw the Asian character fire a gun as well though.