
You mean the spare under my truck might get some icky mud on it? OH THE HUMANITY!!! I’d much rather have an undersized spare buried under a cord of firewood. I mean, who wouldn’t be willing to unload and then reload a few thousand pounds of wood in the bed to change a spare, if it means they can avoid a little icky

I own 3 niche cars — FJ Cruiser, S2000, GS460 — that way they’re much better at the limited use cases that I ask of them, rather than have one car be good at a few things but be great at none of them.

People can spend their money however they wish, but it’s laughable to yell “ULTIMATE OFFROADER” when buying a SFA Jeep with 4 doors that has half a foot extra wheelbase over a 4Runner.

Yes, because the chief purpose of an offroad truck is towing a boat. Why didn’t you buy a diesel?

No, the real differentiation is 4 full doors. Most of the Wrangler’s sold today are the 4 door body. Go by any Jeep dealership and count how many 2-door’s are on the lot. Interestingly, the 4Runner’s wheelbase is 6 inches shorter than a 4-door Wrangler. Offroading pedigree, indeed.

The world is full of too many brodozers that spend all their lives on pavement. It’s their money, but the “hold my beer and watch this” is strong with these trucks.

What?! You mean there are other forms of offroad sport other than what one Toyota owner (whom, of course, never misses an opportunity to post a picture of his beloved, shiny FJ) narrowly defines?! Balderdash! Next you’ll tell me that if a person wanted a great trail rig, they’d never choose something with IFS to begin

The Raptor is baja 1000 racer truck, not a crawler.