
for the Marlins, it’s just another Monday

While we’re still unsure of the facts

I call this porno: “THE NORMAN D INVASION”

That would be awesome if his dad could throw to him in the HR derby. It would remind us of our dads throwing us BP, getting progressively more frustrated as he can’t get one over the plate, getting pissed at us because we didn’t groove the one fucking strike he threw to us, then throwing a a brush-back pitch possibly

So a guy goes to the doctor and the doctor says, “what’s wrong with you” and the guy says, “I have opioid-induced constipation” and the doctor says OIC

Nachos, chicken tenders, both underrated. Hot dogs are definitely not enough bang for your buck.

again, the best ballpark food is Cleveland Stadium mustard. on whatever

that’s whats been killing me about this whole “BUT KD DID THE EXACT SAME THING LEBRON DID” nonsense...

The Celtics drafted Garnett and Allen? Big if true.

It’s a real shame he couldn’t get a ring.

Needs more white vinegar IMO

hooray for promotion truthing

GOAT discussions are really tiresome.

I drove from Cambridge to Western MA this weekend and for at least 45 minutes after I got on the highway, there was a man in front of me driving a Tesla, with his hand out the sunroof, just there, not signaling or signifying anything, the entire or like 90% of the time. Yeah man, we see you.

My neighbors ignored me until they found out I was a lawyer and constantly ask for advice. FML, but I’m too polite to chase them away.

This is the thing though, right? Only fairly recently has “living in the same neighborhood” stopped qualifying as a pretty major thing to have in common with another person.

I just bought a house (cuz I’m millennial who doesn’t buy avocado toast), and I’m not opposed to knowing my neighbors. But it’s definitely a shared interest/no one my age near me issue. Also, I’m not married and have no kids. So I’m an odd man out in the area.

Same. Joined the HOA board thinking it might be a good way to meet some neighbors. Turns out it’s just a good way to get yelled at by some neighbors.

I feel you, man. My ex convinced me to buy in a neighborhood that I thought was questionable, and went downhill from when we bought it. In the five months my former home was in the market, we had 26 showings. 25 said “good house, but concerned about the neighborhood...” (and one that didn’t like the paint color).