
Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.

His advice: Get a federal permit to kill one of the vultures, then hang it in a tree or other spot where other vultures can see it for miles around.

Get well Drew.

One big reason people going to the opening weekend is to avoid spoilers. 

Stan would be proud.

I’ve been thinking this for a while. We can all become Spider people, or Doctors, or Thors, or Caps. That was the whole point of Cho-Hulk, Jane-Thor, Sam-Cap, Kamala, Thirteen, etc. Who’s underneath the costume doesn’t matter. What matters is that whoever wears the costume, whoever takes on the mantle, is taking on

longest stretch of flag free football.

I’m not a Deadspin staffer nor do I know what kind of music you’re into, but if you’re into alt-rock I’d recommend Catfish and the Bottlemen, The Front Bottoms and, if you don’t mind your music a little more on the depressing but good side, The National.

Boy Genius if you like mellow stuff, Charli XCX for pop, The 1975 for good dumb rock

Rocky IV is the best Rocky.

This could be the whole movie and I’d still be there on opening day.  

As a die hard Chiefs fan I hate you and respect that comment

I bet you regret getting the Japanese symbol for “I can eat 50 eggs” tattooed on your left arm, huh?

He didn’t even linger on top of Foles for a second after making the tackle.  Not even enough time to kinda reach down and see if the rumors are true, not even just a little graze along the inner thigh, just to see, nothing weird, but just a brush with the back of the hand to see if you can feel something alive; like I

Not Penny’s star destroyer 

Huh. Usually 2 balls 1 strike works in favor of the batter.

A Michigan State fan looking the other way as a young athlete is abused?  Not exactly breaking news.

For any budget, it’s the Fibrox 8" Chef. Frequently around $30, keeps an edge much better than you’d expect for a $30 knife. I like my Wusthofs, Globals, Shuns and Kiwis; but I keep going back to the Fibrox. It’s comfortable, well balanced and cheap enough that you should buy two of them, and alternate usage to keep

For any budget, it’s the Fibrox 8" Chef. Frequently around $30, keeps an edge much better than you’d expect for a