
At least she’s got chicken.

Patty Jenkins be walking into the Warner Bros boardroom like

I really need a guide for this from start to finish that tells me what to do and what to expect if I want to drop my cable/sat provider. For example, if I have to have ESPN Deportes, what are my options and how do I do those? If I also need locals, does that change my options? If I need to have DVR, what does that


With all its success, Simmons just should name his new site Can’t Land.

big idiot’s beef

I just ate a large pepperoni pizza with a side of cheese bread in about 45 minutes, so I feel pretty good about myself.

Same. My two boys are wonderful. Don’t do it.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

Life’s tough for all you John Rampinos out there.

That’s no moon!

There also was no profuse apologizing. No Canadian can go that long without apologizing at least 15 times.

no references to poutine either

u gon die soon

Counterpoint: Yes it fucking is.

Cancer can fuck right off.

The capital letters spell out ‘3-1'

warriors Fans are wIshiNg thAt they couLdn’t underStand it, either.

Cats in the Cradle was Ugly Kid Joe. ;)

You mean 76's ult hasn’t already been nerfed? I’ve honestly never killed more than two players with one use of it and have definitely never gotten POTG with it like every other 76'er seems to every time they use it. I’ll have the entire team in my sights, trigger held, and then they seem to take no fucking damage and