
Timeline for gift prep:

I keep pointing out that Currie has never hired a football coach and his only major coaching move was to force a well liked Frank Martin out and hire Bruce Weber.

Meanwhile, his uncle Bald Bull has committed to beating Little Joe every time to meet.

I don’t know if I am grayed here or not but would appreciate to not be. Thanks.

I have never tried the foil on the grate trick. I will now.

They have to work Capt. Lou in there somehow.

The mourners at the funeral, both humans and horses alike, all sported long faces.

That was a hell of an outfield. Damon was my favorite but Beltran won me over soon after starting.

I know, but this inconveniences me.  

Why you got to go on a Tuesday night. Killing me.

Unfortunately, like a couple of others in this thread, we have first hand experience with this. Two years ago we lost our son at 20 weeks and damn did that picture get me. Good on Marquise for doing what he did. It is impressive that he could function at such a high level after experiencing such loss.


Which kid that I coach are you the parent of?

You know what gets me with group snacks - you always have two more kids on the team than items in the pack you buy. Say your kid wants to bring the pre-made rice krispie treats? 8 in a box and I guarantee you there are 9 or 10 kids on the team. Ooh, Capri Sun is an easy drink to bring. 10 per pack. 12 kids on the



Also arterial damage. Might lose a hand.

Sometimes watching highlights like these makes me wish I lived in Cleveland so I could see him play in person. Then I remember Cleveland and decide highlights on the computer are good enough.

Taek’s Law is coming out in full force over this one.

I’m not saying that all guys are shitbags. But there are probably a vast majority that have made an unwanted advance that made someone feel very uncomfortable. It wasn’t meant to do so, but that doesn’t make it right.

Very well written, probably not the easiest thing to write either.