Ebola stil in Africa

People said we needed Jon Stewart most during this election. I think we can all see now that it isn’t true. We desperately need him, now more than ever, to get through the next 4 years.

It’s like watching the United States fall down the stairs.

Yeah, let’s make fun of how this woman looks in the photo. Very classy.

But a year in jail wrong?

You’re saying the sushi I was about to order from Craiglist might not be healthy?

The law isn’t bullshit, sending her to jail is.

Not at all. But in that case, you should have clear boundaries and expectations so you don’t get hurt by their illness.

“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” - Maya Angelou

I think there’s always a danger with this kind of ready-reckoning selection - as if three is some magic number - hides a lot of the complexity of life. Even with the ‘exception’ disclaimer, there are people, friends, family, acquaintances where 3 is not the right number. It oversimplifies life which is not just a case

I get the thing about needing to ask for credentials...I do...but Delta didn’t address the whollllllllllllle awful dialogue that preceded the attendant asking for credentials:

I have two dogs and would happily have several more if I had deep pockets, a large house, and someone on staff to pick up all their poop.

Team Cat is watching.

Sorry for the Queen and Holly’s human and canine friends. It’s never easy to lose a furry pal. I wish the Queen of England had found a way to keep her pups with her way longer, though — maybe that canine longevity would eventually reach the rest of us dog owners.

The Mail notes that, at the peak of the Queen’s pack, “there were said to be 13 corgis lolling in the Queen’s private sitting room and nipping the heels of footmen, prime ministers and ladies in waiting.”

I deeply respect her decision to not get any more dogs that will outlive her. My heart breaks every time I see my local humane society post a new dog with the description “this dog was surrendered to us after his/her owner died and no one stepped up to take him/her.” While that obviously probably isn’t the case for

I’m sad she is not taking in new puppies - they could go to Kate & Wills if she dies? Do they have pets of their own?

I think the answer lies somewhere with quantum mechanics. We’ll find out eventually, but perhaps not in our lifetimes.

“Scottie, here’s a direct account of Trump harassing someone I know”

I love that she’s wearing a cross while defending a guy who is nearly the complete opposite of everything Jesus represented.

“I am not running for President, he is”