Ebola stil in Africa

You know me, always trying to keep the science in scientifically based practices.

You are being a warrior of truth and sense on this post SugarHill. God be with you.

This is so silly that I can't muster a response to it, but speaking of pap the US, the current recommendations from ACOG are

Did you know the internet is just one big lie? A hoax. A fraud. A scam, I tell ya! You've probably suspected this,

BS. The pad is dangerous or not. Doesn't matter if she is bleeding. Also, give her the option to leave.

fuck GI Joe, you are the REAL American hero

I'd have probably wiped it on the guard's uniform, but I'm FOR SURE an animal.

I am in awe of your shit disturbing instincts.

Well, I thought (hoped) you were going to say "on the guard," not "on the wall," so that makes me, um, sub-animal?

It happens because some staff at prisons think that even the visitors should be treated as non human pieces of garbage. I've never had something so terrible happen as this poor woman but I've been thoroughly disrespected and sneered at by guards while visiting my relative in a state prison. Fuck these officers and I

What the bloody hell does it matter if there was actually anything coming out of her vagina at that moment?

What really really extra terrifies me about this story is that this was the treatment given to a visitor. If this kind of inhuman, misogynist fuckery was allowed with a visitor I can't even begin to fathom the shit that some of the female prisoners go through on a daily basis, above and beyond serving time.

And the security risk of carrying a pad if you are not actually menstruating is.....?

Jesus motherfucking tap dancing Christ on a goddamned cracker. There are no goddamned words except motherfucking curses. Shit.

I imagined pulling out my plug and menstruating bitch slapping those guards left-right-left-right with the sodden bloody blob waggling from the string. It is absolutely what is called for in a situation like this.

"What are you talking about? I'm not vandalizing this place, I'm expressing my 1st amendment rights! It just so happens, I supply my own red paint."

Animal? No, my friend. You are a genius.

If that's considered being an animal, I don't want to be human.

Doe says the guard squatted at the level of her pelvic area and looked at her until she was satisfied that she was menstruating.

I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.