
Reminds me of a student my mom had. Completely failed but said “Can’t I get a point for trying?”

I don’t know. Would a well placed EMP really fuck stuff over a good portion of the country? If so I might be willing to trade a city for that.

What about when you are cornering at speed? Those back tires are getting extra grip.

And the fact that we really don’t want nukes going off in the upper atmosphere.

Ethan Cootch?

Fucking horrific. At least the shit cunt driving died.

Whooopdieshit. I can be sure it’s clean and it feels raw.

Then you don’t understand.

Cooking a steak to 131 and pasteurising it then hitting it with all the fire of hell. You get the char, and it’s safe.

I love me some sousvide super rare steak. All of the tender and no worries about under cooking.

In addition to the other comments I think they are supposed to explode before impact. Then the ICBM flies through high speed debris.

I don’t judge you on that. I like crackers slightly stale.

What’s wrong with his face?!

Apple’s question is stupid easy. If you don’t get that go back to elementary school. Hint: Archimedes.

As a solarwinds engineer among other things that is an absurd question. The proper answer is: Im going to monitor your shit and let you know when something isn’t working.

I like it. The skills all suck. You have to get in there and make it do what you want. It actually reminds me of the DOS days and how much fiddling around it takes to get something just right.

Get a good microphone in there and record it. Then you should be able to see something in an audio editing program...

Boom. Got mine on the way. My rice cooker recently died. So 71 for this is a no brainier.

Boom. Got mine on the way. My rice cooker recently died. So 71 for this is a no brainier.

That’s a given!

That’s why I know about teeth, keys, bullets, etc...