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I heard him say at a rally some hours ago after being accused of invading Hillary’s space at the last debate that she’s the last person’s space he would want to invade, which was just a nasty jab basically saying she’s old and ugly. So, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I guaran-damn-tee that one of the Trump reactions to at least some of these will be an attack on their physical beauty saying Donald wouldn’t have touched her (pick one) because she’s not a 10. He is 100% going to use the she’s to ugly to assault defense.

Yes, just think of all those sons and brothers and fathers who have to watch their mothers and sisters and daughters come forward with this. So stressful, so upsetting.

What’s amazing is I really think he might have gotten away with this had he and his campaign not been so stupid as to break out Bill’s past to use against Hillary. If he had kept his mouth shut and hadn’t started giving signals that he was going to bring up these charges in the debate, I don’t believe that the Access

I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives. 

I can’t remember where I read it, but supposedly both Trump and Jared Kushner were made aware of the “grab them by the pussy” tape a day or two before it was released. They shrugged it off, because they didn’t think it would be a big deal.

I honestly think he never gave a second thought to any of this before now, because he never considered that there was a possibility that these women might not have liked it before now.

#Repealthe19th, ladies and gentlemen. That’s where we’re at now. This election season has gone so far below the bottom of the barrel, so quickly, that it has punctured a hole in space-time. It now dwells in a dimension that lacks even the concept of barrels.

Uh...Why did he think it would be a good idea to run for office?

I’m honestly not sure how we get through this election without an on-camera suicide.

I think KellyAnne Conway has snapped.

Gross. Looks like there might even be a handful of women tweeting ‘repeal the 19th’ (and i assume they are not all Ann Coulter) - do those twits have any idea what ‘repeal the 19th’ even means?

Oh, come on. He didn’t say anything about this girl he wouldn’t say about his own daughter.

I feel like it would be a good idea for everyone in the country to talk to a therapist when this election is over.

this is fucked up on soooo many levels, i can’t take it anymore

I think they waited because a supporter told me “Everyone will forget about this in a few weeks” when talking about the pussygate video. If it happened months ago, he would have a chance to redeem himself. Since it just came out, he doesn’t have that chance.

This story is the most hideous so far. The part about him telling the reporter they’d have an affair right before super preggo Melania walked back in and then switching to being a “doting” husband... ugh ugh ugh ugh.

How long until a Donald surrogate has a psychotic break live on camera brought on by constantly having to change the nonsense they are required to spew?

Pure liberal propaganda. Trump loves women. He has great respect for women. All of the women. Except the fat ones. But I’ll tell you women respect him right back. The best women respect him and none of the ugly ones. We’re going to defeat Isis and bring back women.

Hey guys, I’m starting to think that this Trump guy might not respect women.