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My stepsister got totally fucked by the system. She and her ex are both doctors, but she is a more successful one. She got custody of the children and still had to pay that piece of crap alimony. Lets be clear, he didn’t need it, he only wanted it to hurt her. My stepfather, who is a former attorney, was furious when

Ah, the one example means all feminists. Got it. Now I know I'm supposed to disbelieve men who have been raped. I had no clue the feminist handbook stated that. Tell me does the handbook have a chapter on generalizing based on a few?

Babbling. Idiot.

Also alimony, like child support, is gender neutral. If the woman made the most money in the relationship, it’s the man who gets alimony if he requests it. The fact that men most often make the most money, and that women are most often the ones who stay home to do the thankless, unpaid work of being a housekeeper,

It’s worth noting that if this article was on Gawker (or really, pretty much any non-feminist site) the comments would be full of people saying things like, “Lucky kid” instead of “Why aren’t we calling this rape and grooming?” This isn’t speculation — articles like this have appeared on Gawker many times, and that’s

God, you are just a babbling idiot. No, equality does not mean that non-custodial parents shouldn’t have to financially support their children. It does mean women get to control their own bodies when it comes to pregnancy. And when people say that the way to stop rape is to get rapists to stop raping, that includes

To answer your question, I think the reason the focus on teaching men, specifically, not to rape is because the majority of rapes are committed by men. That’s not to say that all of them are, or that we all shouldn’t be educated about consent. But things are targeted where the need appears to be greatest, and in the

The focus is on teaching men not to rape because the majority of rapists of both male and female victims are men. That is why these stories get so much attention, because they are rarer than the alternative and notable as such.

I think a patriarchal society also supports the pervasive myth men are sexual from practically birth.

I’m not going to list previous places I’ve worked online, but there are a lot of feminists who care about this, who do education on it, and who try to lower barriers to male survivors receiving services. There are also feminists who don’t do any of those things. But blanket statements about “feminism” are neither

Maybe some macho troll will read and actually learn something from this. Thanks.

I’ve literally NEVER EVER heard that on a feminist site nor heard a feminist say that. I’ve heard it from men and men only.

Not to mention, even the most benighted chauvinists believe that boys can be molested.

I still don’t know what “Jewish geography” is

I recently met someone who went to the same high school as I did. She was a couple of grades ahead but we played “jewish geography” until we stumbled onto a few people. Then she asked me if I knew X. Well, I did, and I also knew that he, at 17, had been involved with a 23 year old teacher. I didn’t offer the info. She

At least they didn’t make them get married.

Thank you. Not “relationship,” either. Predatory behavior and grooming. And fuck that fucking family.

Not “sex.”