
Apparently, recent changes like this have caused even paid subscribers’ videos to take forever to load (or not load at all). Once I found out it was ad-related, I cancelled my subscription. It’s gone so far downhill in recent years it’s hardly worth the $9.99 it started at, much less the nearly $20/mo it currently is.

But they are getting more aggressive. They keep making ads longer and adding more ad breaks. If they’re successful in fully nullifying ad blockers, that means everyone will be stuck watching however many ads YT wants. It’ll be like that scene in Ready Player One where they say they’ve determined they can make the

Real easy.  If I can’t watch ad-less youtube, I’ll stop watching youtube.  I urge you to do the same.

Before spending resources making unskippable ads, how about YouTube first devote itself to getting rid of the mass of illegal or criminal ads they allow on their platform? Fix that before making the rest of us waste our time watching pitches that are plainly scams. 

I am fine with a skip after 6 seconds, but I 100% will never site through a 30 second add to see if I want to watch something. Ever. 

“...support their favorite creators and allow ads on YouTube or try YouTube Premium for an ad-free experience.”

This could be an opportunity for Vimeo to start paying content creators or for some other service to come and really challange youtube. Many of those who use youtube as a revenue stream are already disillusioned with how youtube has been squeezing and changing things that are not good for the content creators.

Dot and bubble is what got me hooked. Really reminded me of capaldi's ability to get angry with humanity

I’d watch it, I’d *love* to watch it and I watched it religiously when it was on BBC America.  Now it’s on Disney+, meaning yet another streaming service that I’d have to pay for, and I’m just not going to be bothered.

I’m torn here. I get that Youtube has to make money to maintain the hosting infrastructure it has in place, but at the same time, each person viewing videos is giving away personal data based on their video preferences, which Google is either monetizing or using for their own research. I don’t want to see ads on

Pushing ads so aggressively will only drive people off of YouTube altogether. I put up with waiting 5 seconds to skip ads for years because I realise ads are how they pay for server space, and I’m sure as shit not paying a monthly subscription to occasionally watch a game trailer or music video. But then they started

I think they may have run afoul of the biggest problem in tying the ship to Disney — offending the British market by relegating them to second place.

Why would they kill Doctor Who now? Its one of the BBC’s key programs, even if viewing is down on traditional TV. I’m sure the iPlayer and Disney+ views are high. I know I started watching Who again because of the new Doctor and the fact that its easy to watch new episodes.

That also doesn't mean less people are watching since we don't have the Disney+ numbers. It's quite possible people who would have watched on iPlayer in the past are watching on D+ also for ease if they already had an acct. It's highly likely that ratings are up, but ratings always dip during a season.

The BBC ratings don’t mean anything anymore now that it airs worldwide on Disney+. Before Disney+, it aired on a hodgepodge of different networks at different times across the world. There’s no way Disney cancels it after the money they put into it. 

It’s been around for 60 years. Even if you take out the 15 year break, there are 41 seasons. It is still probably the BBC’s signature show around the world.

People have been declaring DW dead since Tennant left based on ‘ratings’. Those don’t have the same meaning any more because the viewing landscape has changed. And it appears on iPlayer at the same time it shows up on Disney+. It’s not like BBC viewers are being cheated somehow.

The gop is going to keep trotting out trump until he’s dead. Not incarcerated, not incapacitated, not mentally declined... no longer on this mortal plane. The party sold out to him on the idea that his base and enough fringe voters/repubs no matter what would be enough to tip the scales. Losing trump would alienate

Well, DeSantis isn’t trying to be President, or even Vice-President anymore, so of course he doesn’t have any appetite for fighting Disney anymore.

Unexpected news. The book was a beautiful and moving read — I hope the adaptation does it justice.