
James Gunn shared a new behind-the-scenes photo from the set of Superman on his Instagram page.

The fact that its star is in another revenge action movie at literally the same time (Boy Kills World) doesn’t help differentiate it either.

My enthusiasm for the Crow reboot keeps dropping, which I wouldn’t have thought was possible.

After seeing Godzilla vs Kong, I was sure that was as dumb as it could possibly get. After seeing Godzilla × Kong (a movie which, despite giving him top billing in the title, cannot find a reason for Godzilla to be in it), I learned how wrong I was.

It took what felt like an eternity (about 60 focused seconds) of trying to pull out of my brain what Morbius Part Deux would have been. Got there eventually which is an excellent commentary itself on how forgettable and pointless Sony’s Marvel offerings are.

Kraven... does not look good. The character has so much cinematic potential as a Spider-man villain. We just want a movie where Kraven, a huge, scary, Russian big-game hunter, chases Peter Parker across Manhattan.

Kraven moved to Christmas because we’re excited about it and Christmas is the best release period there is, when you get people with time to go back to the movies over and over again. That was a real reflection of how the studio felt about the movie. We’re really excited. But that’s a great move that reflects just the

Have these Pirates of the Caribbean films become one of those weird cultural things that people insist are necessary somehow even though they aren’t? Cause I never really got the whole thing. 

In which Geralt takes a well deserved vacation at the Côte d’Azur.

I’ll take Geralt of Rivera over his evil cousin Geraldo of Rivera any day

I agree, but the fact is that governments can’t really wave a magic wand and make everyone responsible pay up. They need to sue everyone involved if they refuse. $2,000,000,000,000 pays for a lot of exceptional lawyers.

Replacing functional bridges always take a really long time, particularly as people argue about how functional the foundations are, since that is a massive cost saving. Also, getting a DOT to commit multi-year money to a functional structure over all the dysfunctional stuff becomes a very political fight. DOT budgets

I imagine this is like the Chicago Flood of the 90's where they had started the traditional bidding process to fix a known problem, but once it escalated, they just called the best guy for the job and told them to fix it. Not quite as straightforward with building a new bridge, but same principle is probably there. (I’

Good points, and I didn’t know there had already been talks about replacing it.

Those front-end hurdles tend to get a lot shorter when responding to a disaster, like this. I think I read in previous articles that there have actually been talks about replacing the bridge before, so there actually may be a decent amount of front design considerations already started. Either way, when DOTs announce

I can’t really speak to the cost, but that time frame from today seems, honestly, a bit quick.

Force majeure covers mechanical failures?  The ship wasn’t blown into the bridge by unexpected hurricane-force winds.

who will then bill the cargo companies for whatever they owe for the salvage efforts

I’ll wager that you won’t find a corporation anywhere that operates under the idea that using the cheapest/worst supplier, going the cheapest route possible, is best, and will “maximize profits.Its common business sense that going this route invites more problems and, down the line, more cost.

Lol it’ll cost some profits, but not much out of the record profits most companies are seeing these days.