
I know Zaslav is a complete fucking idiot. But when I watched The Flash recently, half of it, I just could not believe even he could have looked at that and thought it was anything but another brick in the wall of the terrible Snyderverse...the fact that he really thought it would be successful or the narrative around

lol funny seeing comic accurate DP next to Wolverine Origins Wolverine who fought this:

No, much like the character is dead as he died early in The Last of Us 2 and caused a shitton of whiny gamers to whine gamily.

Much like Splinter, Kotaku, The Root, Jezebel, Deadspin and now the A.V. Club and The Takeout?

Oh, he dead. D-E-D dead.

Isn’t it funny how when a movie cast skews towards women or POC, it’s “political” or “pushing a message,” but if it’s all white dudes, there’s never a problem?

“Why do I have to have a Marvel [movie] that’s all women?” Peltz asked the publication. “Not that I have anything against women, but why do I have to do that”

Why are all rich old white men such pieces of shit?

Oh, right...because being a piece of shit is a prerequisite to becoming a rich old white man.

So what? Just watch it when you wake up or whenever. It’s ridiculous that people are moaning about this, just pretend that it’s 6pm or whenever you would normally watch this on Saturday, seriously what is you peoples problem! Just enjoy a fucking thing for a change whenever it comes out, stop gatekeeping and be happy

I agree - it’s not something I cherish. I miss the days of the Companion being just the ordinary person’s eyes into the universe of the Doc, etc.


Can confirm as an engineering nerd I like watching the wings

I feel like the best earbuds are the ones that fit you. Maybe I struggle with fit more than others, but I have very few earbuds that will actually stay in my ear. In fact, I’m stuck using the Pixel Bud A’s, not because on paper they’re the best earbuds, but because they stay in my ears.

Who wants to see the wing? I want to try and see my house when we go over it. 

Why is there no mention of call quality in most reviews? It doesn’t happen often, but I do take calls while wearing my earbuds. The caller needs to be able to hear me (background noise/wind cancellation) and I need to hear them (which is where the ANC should shine). Advice please?

I can get used to the design but can we all agree that illuminated grilles look incredibly tacky? When I see an i7 on the road with a bright white outline illuminating the grill, it looks more like some cheesy aftermarket kit and incredibly inelegant on a 6-figure vehicle.

I’m guessing it’s the sunk costs of R&D. They were doing the same headlines for Tesla for years, claiming Tesla was going to go bankrupt, losses on every car sold, etc. That was when they were building the Fremont factory, developing the Model S, X. Then building out Nevada and developing the Model 3. Then with the

It’s the latter, and creates better sensationalized headlines. Many companies have loss leaders (mixed in with other profitable products of course) for a variety of reasons. In this industry it just so happens the halo products come out first with profitability the 2nd leg.

I’m pretty sure it’s the latter, and it’s just the cost of doing business. They’ll eventually reach the breaking point and then they will start printing money with these things.

Is this amount lost on the incremental cost of producing an individual car or is this just if you include all of the sunk costs of R&D and investing in production facilities? Because it’s significant if it’s the former, but incredibly misleading if it’s the latter.