Are those inches, feet, cm? What are the numbers between []?
Are those inches, feet, cm? What are the numbers between []?
It’s an important distinction though - I feel like this is an urban myth that keeps perpetuating. And you can remove your stuff as stated above.
Now if they could enforce this in apps on Android as well. I don’t mind ads, if they don’t pop-up immediately after I launch an app, take over the whole screen and are unrelated or tangentially related to the subject matter of the app in question.
That’s not actually true - they can’t own content submitted by you - that would run afoul of copyright laws. And if signing up with them would transfer ownership of the content they’d lose section 230 DMCA protection, which I doubt they would want.
I thought the answer would be zero. I’m kinda relieved that it’s not.
Always bring at least two pairs of long/warm enough bottoms, just in case you spill something/get them dirty. Even with access to a washing machine they might not be dry quickly enough and you don’t want to wear wet pants.
This is so disappointing. I love my Nexus 5. Custom ROM it is.
It is policy based on public panic caused by people who don’t understand what wifi is or how it works. There is no danger. This is applying precaution to something we already know.
That report is much the same as the WHO one, and as far as I can tell has produced no actual policy effects.
You are talking about radio. This literally what it is.
No one is actually seriously considering that. That report is from 2011 and it went nowhere.
What you’re ignoring in his psts is that wi-fi is not “unprecedented factors” - radio has been around for a century.
YES. I came here just to mention Helen Mirren and Maggie Smith!
Exactly! He’s baiting the media for funsies.
I don’t think he’s strategic about it (and definitely not all his comments are like this), but I think he’s baiting the media. He’s showing them off in a kind of “see, made you look bad” for giving his words the most obvious (and worst) interpretation.
He’s doing this on purpose now, isn’t he? The deliberately vague statements followed by the inevitable “the crooked media twisted it up” statement. Right? RIGHT?
Wouldn’t that run afoul of various laws that say such paid-for content must be disclosed?
Well, that’s one way to actually get me permanently off facebook. In spite of its obvious downsides and annoyances it can be useful and fun. But this? Nope.