Only JT could ruin the sexiness of a guy in suit and tie.
Only JT could ruin the sexiness of a guy in suit and tie.
I'm an ESL (and not from the US or UK) and Dagny just sounds very weird to me, and it took me a second to think about how I should pronounce it.
Apparently so.
Actually the whole "bears are atracted by period blood" myth was debunked by a scientific study just recently.
I definitely agree - some of them are probably mistakes. But the top Rubens painting is actually very nicely done. You won't notice anything wrong at first, but your gaze is drawn to the face, and ten it click, she's looking at you looking at her with that little smile. It's very subtle and flirty and quite beautiful…
I'm wondering if it could also be intentional in some cases - especially with the Venus paintings. It engages the observer and brings him (or her, but let's face it, naked Venus is usually targeted at a male gaze) into the scene. It's a small, hidden wink, Venus flirting with the observer, who is turned into a voyeur.
Yep, exactly. All powerful heroes also tend to turn into Mary Sues (or Gary Stues).
Eh, the problem is those moral codes can get seriously warped in all powerful people, and that slip usually means doing something so awful I can't root for the hero anymore. I think the best example is Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen.
Being younger and not living in either the UK and the US I never got into DW until the new series, and even then it wasn't until I saw the last few episodes of 9's era/Christmas Invasion that I finally loved it. Because the aliens from Raxacoricofallapatorius were completely ridiculous.
Which was the original airdate anyway.
They did weird things with the shadows in the pics, neither looks very good on the cover.
I suppose it wouldn't have been possible to not have the weird overly-sexified comic book poses on the Black Widow and Maria Hill individual art.
I;m guessing they're going to have to install some glass curtains anyway, for wind protection.
Eh, sure, why not? I like to pretend those didn't happen either.
No, you don't remember or no, you don't want to remember?
You do remember Tennant's last few episodes, right?
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the Doctor's new costume either. I'm worried it may get too angsty.
I've seen little bits of Old Who, and I noticed the resemblance. But, um, that's really no reason for this change. It's a ship that exists in more than one dimension and is in part organic. It has a chameleon circuit (granted, it's borked) and it can probably look like anything it wants, I'm guessing both outside and…
I don't like it. It lacks warmth and style as well. It looks dated rather than cool retro, and it kind of looks like it's made out of cardboard. Which may be true, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to show it.
I think people expect unlikely science and technobabble from sci-fi, that's why it's science fiction. Of course there are those movies with science so bad you wonder if the writers ever passed high school science classes, but there is still that expectation that it isn't real.