
Well, there's a link listed in the "Forums" section down below. Or y'know, just bookmark it.

OH. Perfect!

And here I thought I was the only one.

You should come join the rest of us on the ODeck:

They also have a facebook page they keep updated with all sorts of stuff like court memos and the like.

Death panels? How about the safe and sane solution of assisted death?

I think this hits at least 4 points on that recent "How to spot a crap movie from the trailer" list. I'm not saying the movie is going to be bad, but the trailer sucks.

"We're going to weather this economic downturn together, darling" like a frantic partitioning of assets.

Wow. I love these. Truly.

I'm sorry, are you trying to defend what could be called a type of sexual assault because it's guy on guy? REALLY? If it was male reporter trying to do that to a woman you'd be singing a very different tune.

Working with sulfuric acid and no gloves? Yeah, that can't go wrong.

Is that Martha Jones? Is that MARTHA FUCKIN' JONES?! What is she doing in this thing? Isn't she supposed to be running UNIT or something?

I always though Days of Future Past was extremely depressing. Not wacky, but definitely depressing.

7 Excited by such findings, in 2007 British-born entrepreneur Jasper Lawrence flew to Cameroon and walked barefoot near some latrines. His aim was to acquire hookworms, which he hoped would defeat his asthma and seasonal allergies.

Oh, very much so. Honestly, the pilot of Fringe never really did sell me on it, I don't remember why I kept watching.

I feel that the fact that Watson jumps at the chance to go crime-solving with Holmes in the original books and in any other adaptation is pretty essential to Sherlock Holmes. I don't understand why they changed that. Or why they din't just call it Monk 2 or something.

Elementary looks nothing like Sherlock. It looks so bland and boring, I can't even be bothered to hate on it properly.

Image embed fail.

That picture is creepy and yet I can't stop staring at it.
