Seriously? *eyeroll*
Seriously? *eyeroll*
What Sketchers are you buying from? I've had mine... 5 years now and while looking a little raggedy, they're still sturdy.
But theoretically, wouldn't working with circadian rhythms increase productivity (and quality)? Bosses should understand that.
Well, the people in the 666 Park Ave promo pic certainly look unreal.
Wait, people don't play like this?
Actually he used forensic science as well: footprints, various chemical analysis, soil analysis. He deduced stuff based on evidence provided by those.
Not only is it cool, it's also beautiful!
Or The Darkest Hour
I wish I didn't live halfway 'round the world.
Sounds like a cross between Terra Nova and Jericho.
Well, I was going to give this maybe a season, but considering the comments here... Maybe 5 episodes?
Good point. But I don't think he wants to put something else before his son. He's still not a kind man. But I think Regina is also anticipating a time of more dire need when to use Belle, too.
He rejected her because she was taking away his magic - the thing he would need to find his son. I don't think he wants to be around her just yet.
You mean the writers, right?
I believe they've well established that Gold most wants his son back. I think he figures he isn't in this world after all, so he wants the cure broken so that he can use magic to find his son. He wouldn't bargain for Belle, at this point.
Isn't that what drugs do, though? Mess with your neuroreceptors? Although I doubt cupcakes and chocolate actually mess it up that much.
They look a bit weird and bobble-heady. It's almost like the heads are a bit too small for the bodies.
Well, I know what my next Halloween costume will be!
Yes, exactly. Besides, the whole movie is about the Avengers assembling. Stating it outright would have been too obvious.