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It was more useful than any of your comments

It’s engagement/involvement. It’s a physical connection to the machine in a world where more and more we’re only asking the computers that are driving our cars to turn, go or stop. It’s actual control, not the illusion of control. I’ve dailyed a manual for 25 years and just bought another one. I don’t see that

I just wanted to write this!
The Volvo 480 Turbo, which was available from 1988 on, hat its modest Renault 19 engine outfitted with a Mitsubishi turbocharger. The development work was done by none other than: PORSCHE.
That is the reason why theres a 480 sitting there. I immediately recognized it, I had two of them ^^

The ritual is very simple.

His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

Canada: one person gets a wee bit embarrassed, police put out a PSA

His family refuses to ride in his car that probably should have been sent to the junkyard years ago, so it’s time for a replacement that’s safe but not lame. What car should he buy?

First prototype model:

Fortunately his paper thin muscles and rubbery, calcium deficient bones came through unscathed. Don’t listen to your parents: all that time spent playing video games and living on a Doritos diet will eventually pay off.

Always loved this as well as the Vision SLA by MB...

Every party has a party pooper...

I can smell the unwashed fedora from here, wow.

Audi’s poison the well. Bring one running Audi home and it’ll take 3 VWs out of commission.

Not really a conspiracy but Porsche keeps hinting at an 8 cylinder car above the 911 but nothing ever shows up in testing or is officially announced.

From about 1922 until 1937, my grandmother was a traveling corset saleswoman in Neb, SD, Iowa, and sometimes into Western Ill. She never carried a gun. She knew how to use one, her father was a railroad policeman for the Burlington. She did carry hidden in her underwear, a custom made ice pick. She used it twice. For

Officer: “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

Pictured, the mayor of Minneapolis.

You are on the wroooooooong web site.

BMW. I have it on my e90. It is the worst part of my life.

Technically that is what a rocket is doing. It’s just completely ignoring the whole atmospheric lift phase of flight and powers through instead.