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The above resembles English, but clearly is not. That final sentence is my favorite, in combining opacity and vacuity.

Lane keeping, holding your hand, wiping your nose, crash avoidance, etc.

What a load of horseshit. You don’t score anything in a crash test because it doesn’t have equipment to help you avoid a crash? Newsflash assholes, none of the cars avoided crashing in any of these tests. They all crashed.


Funny how people will think a car made it to 214k miles by accident, and surely it will implode right at 215k miles.

This car has proven its own solidity. Since someone trusted it enough to use it for highway commuting duty, every quirk and kink has exposed itself to the current owner.

Witness 70 year old American

Safety. Such a pathetic, warm puppy of an issue. Sick to death of it.

I feel like Porsche and Mazda are in the same boat. They love driving and are true driver’s companies, but know that in order to make 2 door drivers cars, they have to sell a ton of crossovers.

She owns a Prius that she never drives because uber is easier. She went to a $150K a year college for a super niche degree that serves her well while making oh-so woke internet videos. She has never driven a go kart or gone fast in anything other than an airliner taking her on vacation to Paris. She’s never been south

Oh ya? Actually I’m so anti-Trump and beyond tired of liars, I don’t believe a word Musk says at this point.

Surprised you didn’t work a hooker murder joke in there. Or maybe a joke about arm wrestling and hats.

Awful design is just as bad as boring design.

I wouldn’t say it’s a shitty automatic ... it’s essentially the same GM THM-400 auto you’ll find faithfully serving under a generation of GM performance cars and light trucks.

BMW designers just got an idea for the next BMW 0.25 Series.

I’m pretty sure that’s the actual fix, dude.

I saw a Halloween truck the other day.

I know that joke has been around the block, but I still love it.

What are these people all bent out of shape about?


I’d really rather not see Toyota.