Dave the car guy , still here

I’m inclined to believe the mileage. Just a bit west here in Ohio I seen all sorts of low mileage stuff coming out of storage lately. In past few yrs an Olds Firenza with under 50k and a Chevette 4 door woody with under 40k, both rust free.

Still waiting on Ford to get airbags. I’m lucky to be one of the 2% of Audi customers who have had their cars fixed.

I became a member a few years back at the Official Le Mans website so I could look at feeds there. I get e-mails from them with updates through the year in both languages. When I access the site I have to convert it in Google translate to find where I can switch it to the english version. It supplements whatever

My opinion. Seriously. Watch the video, he went into the corner too hot, fully locked his brakes before the curve and lost control when the car switched ends. Clarkson and May also drove that same course and didn’t crash. It will be ruled as driver’s error.

I saw a statistic somewhere that they had damaged in some way, shape or form 150+ cars over the years on Top Gear. I’ve always wondered what the breakdown was by guest and hosts. Because of Hamsters big accident in 06, motorcycle crash in March and this recent crash the web search for anything else is overshadowed by

Yep, he even knows it.

I have an opinion. Hamster can’t drive worth a crap. I’d like to know how many cars he has wrecked in the TG series and GT now.

We sold a used Abarth at work two months ago. Its low mileage , its been back 4 times for stuff, once for clutch and the new owner has had multiple manual transmission cars. She was so pissed when she drove off the lot and was back within a week.

Police auctions of all types are great. I once bought a Bridgestone made Kabuki bicycle for $25. It needed a seat and front wheel plus other small stuff. It became one of my two roadbikes during college in the 70's. My other bike was for fast riding and the Kabuki I had a rear rack on for light shopping. After about 5

I work at a dealership and just found out my wife’s Ford Edge was partially repainted before we bought it. The car was a dealers trade from Pittsburgh 8 years ago. We only discovered this because my wife grazed a bollard in a parking lot. The post hit back of left door, the quarter and end of bumper. When our body


At 61 I now wrench sometimes more than I did in my teens and 20's. I know more and instead of letting things go that could later affect the car I fix the issues. In my younger years I had cars for 2-3 years and then traded or sold them. Now I’ve had some cars for up to 14 years. I’m healthy for my age and sometimes

Okay, I hope somebody from Velocity reads all this.

Now I’m wondering if everyone watches “Whats My Car Worth” the same way. I fast forward past half the crap, look for the “bubbles” with performance details, check the meter for ranking the quality/value, zip to where they talk about what the auction price should be, then look at the end of each auction. I can pretty

You fast forward past Mike too, thought it was just me :)

My German genes outnumber all the others. Family origins in Moselle river region.

I would gladly hand them a lighter and a gallon of gas to solve any problems with the car. One of my warped neighbors had an Alliance with a high end stereo. It was his wifes grocery getter. I think I had nightmares from helping install the over sized alternator and second battery in the car. If he hadn’t been my

Lol, old guy , 61 . The key words to your post are “ when it ran”. Had a friend Polly who owned an R8 in college in NC. I think she had it for two years and it spent a few months of that in the shop. Tie rod ends, tire issues, wheel bearings, electrical gremlins, brakes and clutch. had many issues. Fun car to drive

Being an OG, I’ve worked on Le Car, Renault Alliances and Fuegos. I have to vote against it, having prior wrenching experience on these. This is where my German ancestry over rules the decisions of my French ancestry while my UK genes don’t want to get involved.

The car is a white Ford Fusion and this all happened less than an hour from me. One of my coworkers had a white Fusion with no front plate pull up behind him last night on a dark street in Akron. Scared the living hell out of him until he saw it wasn’t Stephens.