You silly goose. Employees aren’t investors! Money goes to Investors!
You silly goose. Employees aren’t investors! Money goes to Investors!
The more bewildering thing is that for all the hype and “pushing next gen” and all that, it just kind of feels like a slight upgrade to a Fallout style game. There’s no emergent events, no randomness, nothing dynamic. NPC’s, cars, and cops just appear out of thin air, often in front of your eyes. It doesn’t feel like…
There’s an easy way to deal with the followers...just
Stardew Valley, duh. All the excitement of adventuring, fighting monsters, etc, but in the most chill atmosphere ever. Straight farmin’ on your off days, making bank, romancing gentle townsfolk. Paradise.
You and I have similar taste in comics, friend
You proved yourself a coward
I just wanted to mention that I had to PLOW through “Song of Achilles” this week because it’s due back at the library with three holds on it so I was reading it on a lengthy bus ride to an appointment yesterday and was literally wiping away tears during the last two chapters. On the bus. Still reread the last 10-15…
“I don’t think there was a single top-50 alltimer on my list of the best games of 2019. I think my list of the 10 best games of the 2010s might have only contained one. Miraculously, all 10 of my top 10 games of 1994 are alltimers.”
There is a name for this and that name is nostalgia.
I’ll be focused on wrapping up Persona 5. Finally reached the back third of the game and have 2 palaces to go. Really want to complete this one so I can move onto something new. I forgot I asked for games as gifts from family members and if I remember right they are all long RPGs so I need to create some time.
Baba Is You has to be one of the most unique, not to mention mind melting, gaming experiences I've ever had. I'm gonna have to give that quiet, unassuming little indie puzzle game my GOTY pick.
Is Sugar a bulldog? Maybe a Bull Terrier mixed breed.
I’m happy to see this is getting positive reviews. I’ve been wanting to play a new SW game but all the recent offerings have been dreadful.
Really? No voice acting is a necessarily bad thing now? Do you listen to what people say fully and not skip to the next line of dialogue? Are people so aggrieved by reading these days that they need voice acting to coddle them? Can you not do voices in your head? How do you play games from before 2000? Is choosing not…
Glad you played Disco!! I still need to get back to it but I changed my gaming computer setup so it’s hooked up to my TV now so I don’t have to think about its busted hinge or busted internet. Homer Simpson but as a detective must make his return...
I finished DE last week, finishing off a week plus of almost utter complusive play. It was great! It’s so rare these days, as a bitter and burned out middle age failure, to really fall into a video game and wholeheartedly love it.
Honestly, as much as I loved the game, I thought the mystery itself kind of fell apart.
My friend and I have discussed how this show will end since the end of last season. Before watching part 1 of season 6, the two main theories were that Diane would die and this would spur Bojack into become a better horse, or that Bojack would commit suicide to escape the demons of his past.
I concur with you completely on that. After I finished the game, when I was reading through discussions, I noticed just how many anecdotes started with “I failed X roll and then this crazy reaction happened.” So my playing style definitely clashed 100% with what the game was going for. 100% my loss. I’m just so used…