Tattletale loves to tattle

Check out a local community college and see if they have a career exploration course (or something similarly labeled). I took one that helped me define what kind of work I like to do and don’t like to do, what kind of working environment I like to be in and not be in, etc. and what careers fall within my likes.

Your opinion is wrong and I’m embarrassed for you.

It shouldnt matter if you attend or not; and it sucks majorly that it does. The expectation is imposing and takes all the potential fun out of going; conversely just makes the event suck even more. I understand the blowback professionally.. nobody’s fault. Just a natural consequence of neglecting “bonding” with

Well, yes, veggies are expensive and they do not taste that good.

I remember the murder but had no idea it was part of a crime spree (or serial killing? I can’t tell). Of course, I was like 10 so maybe I get a pass on that.

I think she means that you can be a housewife or a prostitute or a single mom with 6 kids and still be a feminist.

I like all of the Chrises, but Chris Evans—talented, sexy, outspoken, unabashedly liberal, dog-loving Chris Evans—is the best Chris.

I’ve been saying that on here for years. She’s never actually done or said anything that should label her as a bad person. She even supports Planned Parenthood and BLM and will happily trash Trump directly using him name.

Kim gives the vibe she is a good person.

Trump is an asshole with no record of public service and a long history of racism and misogyny who ran an overtly racist and xenophobic campaign.

Removing the student loan interest tax deduction is an enormous “fuck you” to middle- and lower-middle-income young people. And I’m taking it very personally because that $800 a year is no joke.

I mean, modeling might not have been related to her death insofar as she didn’t die from falling off the catwalk. Somehow I suspect there’s some relationship between the fact that she didn’t get medical treatment for several days* and the fact that she was a child in a country where she didn’t speak the language, who

Gabrielle Union and D-Wade as Milli Vanilli

It’s very good.

We are only up to episode 6. (We like to torture our daughter by only doing 1-2 episodes at a time.). So good.

Just kidding. I haven’t watched it yet either.

It’s good. Don’t listen to Bobby on this one.

If I ever want the “male perspective” on something, all I have to do is open the op-ed section of any newspaper, tune into any 24 hour news network, watch any Congressional activity on C-SPAN, read an NYT bestseller, watch network TV shows, watch any network late night comedy show, talk to any man in politics

Last month for my birthday, I agreed with my boyfriend that we’d go to the mall and I pick the perfume I want rather than leave it to him to buy it (even though I told him the brand and name and sent a picture). In addition to buying me the perfume, he also got me some other video-game-related gifts (a figurine, a

All of this. PLUS, she’s not that happy, or she wouldn’t have written the letter. Non - commitment isn’t enough for her to feel happy and secure and for a lot of people that is normal. She shouldn’t fight her instincts. Break up and get back in the dating game. The 40s are a sweet spot for divorced men—she can find