Is Tweet Beat back???? I sure hope so
Is Tweet Beat back???? I sure hope so
Me too went from fat to not-fat to fat. When I started gaining back the weight that feeling of needing to be ashamed and quiet came back to me, I started getting the social anxiety that had disappeared during my skinny years. I would be afraid of choosing the right thing to order at a restaurant, if you order…
oh completely. I’ve had my weight fluctuate from overweight, to skinny, to overweight again. Besides how doctors treated me, it was such a stark difference on how I was treated by my peers when I was skinny, I was suddenly smart, witty, and understood how the world worked. Also the number of comments people would make…
Thank you both for sharing these with us
ugh! I feel you sister. My name is also pretty and easy for people to say and when I was growing up it was unique enough that I felt special. Now it is fucking everywhere! TV characters, people telling me they know someone who just named their daughter tattletale, and it’s even in commercials, it’s like someone out…
It was a further out area of SE Portland, I want to say Woodstock, but maybe Brentwood/Darlington... I can’t remember exactly, and I don’t live there anymore
I read somewhere that most* law enforcement agents are actually less likely to racially profile than most civilians. The idea was that we all have unconscious bias (which is true) but when the police are actually well-trained and get to know their communities they are less likely to make the judgement calls based on…
But would you let them on??? The whole thing, is she let me on to keep me there to call the cops. Also that is why the cop was so confused.. he was like “if you allowed her to enter your yard, there is nothing wrong here”
It’s easy to deny your racism, when there are so few people of color to call you out on it.
Hi there. Brown person who used to live in Oregon. Something very similar happened to me when I lived in Portland, I was working as a property appraiser for the County, and part of the job is to go to homes and remeasure them to make sure we are appraising them correctly.
Kristen Bell did it first
This is uncanny timing for myself, I literally just five minutes ago finished listening to the Reply All Episode on SESTA/FOSTA.
Wait when did this happen? I googled it and all I can find is the list of 20 finalists from 4 or 5 months ago
Domicile has some good points, and you should read the comment
I made it to “We just want to be pretty” then, attempted to start again, the second time I made it to 1:18, there will not be a third attempt
It’s Florida, these are just for pot possession.
The city is Vancouver right?
I think the old ones hold up well! I watched a few with someone in his early twenties yesterday. And he was a little kid when they came out so this is his first time watching them, and there were times we both laughed out loud.
That’s what I thought too, and came here to post just that
I will be changing my user name now