Tattletale loves to tattle

They met before his mom died. I really do think he had some sort of a mental breakdown when his mother passed away because he’s been really off since then. So I don’t know if she didn’t realize how badly he was doing when they reconnected but I think there might have been actual feelings there. Now I think it has

Another irony — anyone who cheats their workers out of a reasonable wage is by definition lacking in character. Does it make sense for people who have poor character to try to teach anyone else?

I think Chris Evans has just bumped himself up in the Best Chris rankings with this one.  He is the most politically minded Chris... he may have taken over for Pine in my eyes today.  

Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.

Right now, the man the GOP has nominated for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is shrieking about shadow conspiracies and retribution. Just a model of sober-minded jurisprudence on display. 

Being fat shamed by the doctor is one of the reasons I’ve put off making appointments lately. Which as a public health person, I know is bad, but after having a nurse at the student health center spend most of my appointment time talking about my weight instead of what i actually went there for (birth control), I

I’ve been obese and “thin.” I suffered nothing like the abuse/harassment others report while obese, but I’m sure treated better now. I went from completely invisible to suddenly very visible and it’s weird.

YES, 100% THIS. I lost over one hundred pounds in my early 20s. I went from my opinion not mattering to actually being a person of importance. Steadily gained the weight back until I was tipping the scales at nearly 300 pounds in 2012. A visit to a doctor (for an unrelated illness) was a wakeup call, and I spend the

I’ve been not fat, I’ve been fat, I’ve been all over the ED spectrum. I’ve never been treated with the amount of incredulity, dismissal and disrespect as I was when I was fat. The actually serious medical problems I had were chalked up to my weight over and over, and I was sent home without any further investigation.

Maybe, just maybe this article is meant for people who want to watch the Emmy’s and isn’t the place to hate on it.

Now playing

A sample for those who never knew it’s awesomeness:

ugh! I feel you sister. My name is also pretty and easy for people to say and when I was growing up it was unique enough that I felt special. Now it is fucking everywhere! TV characters, people telling me they know someone who just named their daughter tattletale, and it’s even in commercials, it’s like someone out

Kanye should run as a republican. Worked for reagan.

I think you are right on that- I work with the police pretty regularly as part of my job (I’m a social worker) and the vast majority of them are very professional and appropriate*. There are also a select few who are total dicks and I have no doubt they racially profile.

It’s so sad what’s happened to Portland. It used to be a wonderful hippie town. Now it’s incel central and full of Nazis. As far back as Occupy, we had issues with the group from Portland and their fascist bullshit.

Curious which county/area you were in. Not that home owners/residents of Multnomah are any less assholes than those in Washington or Clackamas, but how they are assholes in my experience is somewhat differentiated. Like the people in NW/SW Multnomah/Metro and near suburbs tend to be wealthier and more like rich

What follows is purely intended as educational/informative from someone who teaches a seminar in the politics behind laws relating to crime and police procedure.

What a dumass. “You scare me, but I really want to catch you doing something wrong so please stay near me.”

 I am so sorry this happened to you.