
Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.

I’ll be waiting til he apologises to give my take

Seriously though, this is some real shit. Financial fraud?
He’s in deep doo-doo.
You need to work for a bank to not go to jail for that shit.

Life is short and the World Cup is only every four years, so I’m going to say no. But you are right that US Soccer definitely seems comfortable just being on the edge of relevancy, and some sort of boost would be appreciated. (For starters, I’m not going to go full “abolish the MLS” but I’d like to see more stars

USMNT Lose 1-1

I really don’t understand all the uproar over this. It’s not like he’s done something truly reprehensible, like sit or kneel when other people are standing.

I’m not great at analyzing the numbers on this kind of deal, but I have to assume Fertitta got screwed because the team is already underwater!

Tell me more about your Lions you speak of. They remind me a lot of my former Chargers I used to have.

Lest we forget, Webb was also the guy who broke up Brett Favre’s consecutive games streak, making this the second time he’s been brought in to cover up an unconcealed croc.

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.

Pretty sure the fact that teams are looking at Brock Osweiler is proof that there’s a blacklist out for Kaepernick...

It’s not supporting slavery, it’s just honoring history.

After googling that name, I learned that people also searched for something called “Bipolar Sunshine.”

Well, kind of like Thriller it does tell a story.

yeah, sometimes when I get aroused I think about baseball stats, too

Certainly leading the league in OPP now.

You know Billy... I’ve read Deadspin for about half a decade now. I imagine with the volume of soccer articles you write, you’re the designated beat writer for soccer. So then it pains me as someone who genuinely likes the site’s content whenever your articles show up on the feed due to your complete inability to

Well at least we now know it’s paid in Internet Recognition Fun Bucks by the word, not paid in Internet Recognition Fun Bucks by the any other metric.