“Farrow’s effort to defame NBC News is clearly motivated not by a pursuit of truth, but an axe to grind,” Oppenheim continued, adding, “It is built on a series of distortions, confused timelines, and outright inaccuracies.”
Can they give it to me right now? Because holy shit, I am dragging today.
I’ve been slapped a time or two in my life for saying something dumb and shitty
Up in his attic, he’s got a painting of himself that looks really phenomenal.
Whenever we swing by Ikea, I usually grab a couple of boxes of their brand. I find if I mix it half and half with my usual chex or cheerios, its got just enough sweet to it to give me the flavor I want in cereal.
Both sides of my family had the “we’re part Native American” story as I was growing up. My Mom’s side of the family claimed the classic Apache heritage, while Dad’s side changed it up with some Blackfoot blood. I finally broke down and did one of those DNA tests my wife has been wanting me to do last Christmas, and…
And you all thought that Sonic trailer was gonna be the most disturbing thing you saw this year...
Armed Services Chairman Jim Inhofe apologizes to Mark Esper for being confronted by Warren during his #defense secretary nomination hearing.
“It’s about time we lowered the temperature all across the board. All of us ought to contribute to a better level of discourse.”
No, but the Terminator is.
Jesus had a solution for this in Matthew 5:29-30, but I don’t think this guy’s gonna like it.
“Why do people feel entitled to things they paid for? What babies.”
Fourteen go-rounds and this as as far as enlightenment goes. Maybe they should start with someone on their first incarnation and try again.
Four days later, on June 19, Philo announced via Twitter that he was immediately resigning from the company and giving up his TPG Sports ownership stake “out of a sincere desire to protect my co-workers’ livelihoods, as well as the interests of our clients and partners and all that we have built together.”
So, is your man with the locksmith a sovereign citizen or just your regular go for broke kind of con man?