You prefer when they were called “celebrity endorsements”?
You prefer when they were called “celebrity endorsements”?
To be fair, their pride is hard to see because it’s hidden under a sheet so often.
Dear Jackson Free Press,
As long as Mississippi’s elected officials continue to be unrepentant racists, it certainly is trivial that Jackson is a capital city.
A previous version of this story referred to Rep. Niraj Antani as a member of Congress. He is not, he is a member of the Ohio House of Representatives. I deeply regret this error.
Cowards gonna cower.
Everyone should just print out an asterisk, large as you want, but one to a sheet of paper, and then mail it to Brian Kemp, Georgia State Capitol, #214, Atlanta, GA 30334 - just so he knows that we know, and we won’t forget.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
And here I thought Goop’s failure to thrive was the fact that it’s hocus-pocus neo-new-wave crunchy-granola hyphenate-everything bullshit.
Man, all that steroid and HGH use probably didn’t help his mental state any either.
Twenty-nine going on 43, from the looks of it.
To be fair, I’m surprised that he’s not from the Panhandle.
Day’s not over yet.
The next Governor will also appoint at least three Judges to the state Supreme Court: