
Zodiac: The Next Generation?

The 1800s.

Yes, I know. Scott Foval is an idiot and a braggart who should have been fired. What I don’t understand is why you’re willing to take him at face value about a vague statement, when it turns out he’d lie about such a well-documented incident like in the new 47 Percent “expose”.

I think he was more a reaction to Twilight’s popularity.

Star Wars released overseas a few weeks before it screened in the US.

Give them some credit - it only took 25 years to convince them that saying a white conservative was undergoing a “virtual lynching” was a bad idea.

It feels like I’m watching a Batman villain run for president at this point.

Star Wars was a flop upon it’s initial release.

Text it to the landline at the FBI’s Press Office?

Piker. If he had any ambition, he’d have Roger Clinton and Zombie Billy Carter there too. SAD.

The fact that Annie Richards and Molly Ivins are gone while Trump and Governor Goodhair still thrive is just more proof that there ain’t no justice in this world.

Flair is the best obviously but Goldberg had the most memroible title win of my generation (WWF, WCW, or ECW).

Indeed. At this point in my life, my wife says I sign my name like I’m mad at it.

Is it just me, or does Junior always seem to be three seconds away from bursting into tears at any given time?

If you’re ever in Orlando, drop me a line and I’ll try and set you up to meet the world’s #1 Archie fan.

It’s no excuse, but this happened eleven years ago — I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along.