A Goshdarn Gorilla

I don’t think it is unreasonable that somebody who took pride in his fitness and appearance would prefer to be remembered in his prime rather than be the source of jokes by people who would make fun of how despite how good his exercise and diet were, that age eventually took its toll on him.

For the 80's, he was “America’s Gay Best Friend”. He was incredibly funny, impossibly sweet, and while he was of that last generation of gay stars that were overtly gay without explicitly being gay, he was as open as pretty anybody that successful could’ve been. He made hundreds of millions of dollars (and he was shock

Say what you will about how diet and fitness have evolved over time, but Richard Simmons was the rare gem that actually gave a crap about actually helping folks get healthy and happy. Sweatin to the Oldies and all his videos/ specials were filled with real people who were there to get active in whatever way they could

Art and culture is kind of essential to a society continuing to function, and if the arts are inhabited only by the wealthy you get art that doesn’t understand over half of the society it comes from. 

Now playing

Pauly Shore is beyond an asshole for basically stalking a guy who clearly relished his privacy and who was taking substantial effort to keep out of the public eye. I’m glad Simmons was able to ensure some level of protection from people prying despite this; he was a hell of a character and performer, and by most

He's guarding the grounds of stately Burns Manor in robot heaven now.

Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons on the same day.  Farewell, legends.  The 80s really are over. 

So sad to hear this. His energy was infectious and he seemed like a genuinely sweet guy. May he rest in peace.

To me it’s not so much a non-issue as a symptom of a larger problem- that is, it’s harder than ever to try to make a living in the arts/entertainment unless you have enough money that you can afford to be unemployed for a while or work jobs that have flexible schedules so you have time for auditions and such.

Not a fan of Baldwin (the man, that is; plenty of good performances) but...good. The suggestion that he was responsible for not doing someone else’s job was ludicrous from the beginning.

Yeah, it almost felt vindictive and personal. I didn’t think his actions rose to the level of criminality though I can see him being held accountable civilly.

I mean, yeah, anyone following the news can point out how weak and plain weird the prosecution’s case was.

This subject has been at the top of my mind ever since the Gaiman thing hit. Another successful male creator has been accused by multiple women of vicious, violent repeated sexual assaults, and the big names in science fiction and fantasy writing are silent about it. They’re going it cover it up and pretend these two

Maybe you should write your own reviews then, happywinks.

Makes me wonder how Kenan has been able to do it as well as he has for over two decades. It’s not like he’s been hanging back or coasting - dude is still bringing it in practically every other sketch every week. And as far as I can tell he hasn’t resorted to being a heavy drug user or toxic personality, and has no

Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.

The worst part is probably his terrible actions.

I also assume it made him available for B99, so again, the right choice.

If he never left, we would never get Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, so he made the right choice

Man the CG in that lead photo looks straight out of 1998