A Goshdarn Gorilla

Enjoy your cancer, wrongly-accused prisoners!

Yeah, not really interested in sitting through three hours of table setting. And I’d honestly be pretty surprised if part three ever happens.

There are plenty of places in the U.S. where saying orange man bad is indeed a courageous act (I suspect you may live in one), but I’d agree that it wouldn’t be courageous for Alex Garland to say it. It also wouldn’t be courageous for him to say water is wet, but I’d still find it strange if he refused to acknowledge

What if dudebra doesn’t want Subway coupons?

Not really interested in ranking the nominees (I mean, I am, just not in this particular setting), I more just wanted to note that it’s a bummer Spanfeller, G/O Media or whoever the hell it is that runs this place apparently decided to get rid of commenter avatars. I realize it’s only a very small part of the long,

Well, Nintendo is famously non-litigious…

Satan: I’ll give you three beloved, critically acclaimed albums that will make you rich and famous, but after that you’ll descend into pretentious mediocrity and pretty much throw away any good will you might have built up.

That Last of Us screenshot will be haunting my dreams (or my nightmares) tonight.

And so it was sort of like my daughter’s future, which meant I had to break the law.”

Are you available for babysitting?

Now solve the mystery of why Jimmy Page is staring at John Bonham’s junk.

Looks like my backlog just got eight hours longer. I’ll catch up eventually. Maybe. Possibly.

They probably couldn’t agree on a shooting schedule.

Evil clowns? Now there’s a fresh take on the horror genre!

It’s probably a lot easier to not be motivated by money when you’ve never had to worry about it for one second of your life.

Oh definitely, and to be clear, I of course have no idea what sort of arrangement Disney and Robin Williams may have worked out, and I certainly don’t know who owns those outtakes. In all honesty, I’d be pretty shocked if Disney had done something like that, but it’s absolutely a possibility.

The quality dropped off sharply long ago (to be fair, I haven’t really seen the mid-2010s seasons where Stephen Hillenburg returned), but I’d rank the first three seasons of Spongebob as legitimately some of the best animation ever produced.

A disease that’s really uncomfortable but has an effective treatment, only the scalpers can never get it because someone else immediately buys up the entire supply.

I need to rewatch Ergo Proxy, I think a lot of it went over my head the first go round. Not to mention the OP is one of my favorites of all time.