A Goshdarn Gorilla

Scooter Braun, Scooter Libby—I think that’s officially a large enough sample size to say that grown men who publicly go by nicknames that sound like the title character of an early ‘60s British children’s TV show are terrible people.

I should have specified “most famous non-completely evil person”. That said, yes, please!

It’s morbid, but I’ve been wondering lately who the most famous person to die from Covid-19 is going to be (Tom Hanks is obviously the most famous person to have caught it, but fortunately it seems like he’s going to recover). The worst part is I can’t even blame being cooped up alone with my thoughts in my apartment

He just smiled and criticized my Vegemite sandwich.

Regardless of where he ranks in terms of greatest Presidents, Jimmy Carter has to be the best former President of all time.

There may not be crying in baseball, but there sure as hell is in my living room right now.

Early Beastie Boys weren’t so much a playful jab at party boy bros as they were actual party boy bros who pretty quickly evolved beyond that. Excited to see this.

It’s his revenge for getting his sunshine stolen.

Coming soon: how to use a chip clip to keep your baby wipes from drying out.

As someone who has both social anxiety and germophobia, the upside of coronavirus has been that things like shaking hands have been falling by the wayside. Hopefully at whatever point coronavirus is over (or has become normalized), not shaking hands will continue to be an acceptable option.

When Orthodox Jews write G-d, they’re actually referring to Josh Gad.

Tulsi Gabbard just became the the eighth most viable candidate in the race!

I’m guessing Prometheus wasn’t a big fan.

I mean, he has been waiting for the end of time to hurry up and arrive for a while now.

Chili can’t melt steel beams!

This year I’m dressing up as “guy sitting on the couch drinking vodka”.

I actually think Tom would vote for Cory Booker, because he’s dating Rosario Dawson, and game respect game.

They own the rights to the show itself, but they don’t have rights to stream the music that was used in the show (which is also why only the first three seasons were release on DVD). I mean, they’re Disney, so they could no doubt afford to get those rights, but sadly I don’t know if they will. Fingers crossed, though.

Georgia’s mother is fairly pleasant! It’s a completely different show!

Aren’t those already the only two kinds of movies?