
Hmmmm... Should I feel bad for the brides, the dude, or both?

If I got that text, I would just take the thoughtful step of never talking to them again. Because who gives a shit what you think, you tried to make me feel guilty for the present I brought.

Conflict avoided.


The awful/weird video aside. I had never heard that song before and yet it sounded like I had heard it a million times. Maybe because it sounds like every pop song from the last decade with minor adjustments, has lame unoriginal lyrics and is just super generic? Maybe? Yeah.

Lady Gaga ruined an entire generation of kids. sigh. I am officially curmudgeonly.

I had sex with a guy I met in a bar over the weekend because he was attractive and witty. He actually seemed to care about giving me pleasure and he had a ready supply of condoms. We did it again in the morning and then we had a lovely chat over toast and coffee.

I feel like shit like this assumes women don't know we're being hit on. We know. We get it a lot. Even the "fat" and "desperate" types (even though they're totally unlovable. Weird right?) Anyway, when you know you're being hit on by a guy who actually practices picking up women rather than just being a decent,

This is simultaneously one of the grossest and funniest things I've ever read on this website.

Nothing, we mean nothing, turns a woman off faster than the smell of feces.

I don't get it.

Wait a second. The chick was raped, and she was raped on some sort of college employee program, and Disney refused to deal, and all you can do is turn this into a sophomore journalism class?

I feel like I'm in some ladyblog click-bait Inception. Y'all dirty for this one.

Emily from xoJane here — It is my understanding from the piece and speaking with the author that the students are housed on Disney property. I stand by the headline as accurate. That was the author's emotional truth.

Jessica, I'm really not truing to be a dick here. Honest. But...

So now the new headline is "screwed up her Disney World rape story"? Now it just reads as agreeing with Disney employees and rape apologists that something is fishy with her story and that she herself screwed up in the story and deserved to be rape/changed her mind about consensual sex.

And Jezebel never uses misleading headlines.

For god's sake. If I mention that I wrote a lousy headline and that it was only good in comparison to what Jez used eleven or twelve more times, do you think that would help? Or are you just determined to keep accusing me of things I never said no matter how many times I tell you that I never said (or meant) them?

Yeah.... that's not even remotely what she was saying.

I'm kind of baffled as to where you're getting "hurling insults." I wrote a headline (after the author of the piece specifically suggested someone do so), then pointed out that it took very little time and that, unlike the author, no one is paying me to do it. It wasn't a commentary on how much better I am than the

Jessica, I read your article. Could you please explain to me what you felt the purpose of this was? Are you so angry about misleading headlines that you felt the need to end the recount of her victimization post her rape with "et cetera"? Yes, as you said, that was the point of her article, that disney victimized her.

"She does not say whether or not his apartment was provided by Disney (participants "have the opportunity to request off-site housing," according to the program's website), but whatever the case, the housing most certainly is not in the theme park. Summer employees are not bunking in Cinderella's castle or sleeping in