
Seriously though... what the eff. I feel like there are so many traditions/ expectations now that I'm bound to step on some sort of etiquette land mine. Fuck it. Fuck it all. From this point on I will only go to weddings of people that I feel completely comfortable asking about expectations from and those who I am

it's a thing in central canada where they raise money for the wedding by asking people to get prizes for them, then selling tickets to a party, and then having a silent auction/ ticket draw for the prizes. It's new way to make you pay... instead of just the wedding gift and the wedding shower gift and the expense of

I know it's only anecdotal but most women I know think the penis is ugly... I think you're right though... I think that's just a thing that people say.

I've always found penises nice to look at. I know i'm in a minority here but I find a lot of them kind of beautiful.

But but but... I really wanted to read that

I love sherman alexie so much.

wait... are you joking? I'm confused!? what's wrong with adam beach? or are you doing the sarcasm?

except that most politicians aren't specifically trained to speak like that. Most of them just do because they have to.

Man, that's really terrible. I'm so sorry. It makes me grit my teeth to hear that. I'm also pretty aggressive in responding to that stuff and I've been through a sort of similar situation (which is what prompted me to go into the field I did). Whenever I discuss my thing (which is rarely) I get the same 'flaunting it'

I intervened in a similar situation a while ago... people were just lowering their heads and walking the other way I just stopped and asked what was happening (at first I thought it was a shitty attempt at the heimlich because I couldn't believe people would just walk by an actual attack). The guy just bolted when I

I oddly have naturally light hair and extra dark brows. I've tried using facial hair bleach just for a second or two but the results kind of sucked and I got scared of the bleaching and let it be. A while ago though I tried that proactive acne face stuff... it was way too harsh for my face but lightened my eyebrows

They have G&Ts on via rail???? I am excite.

Now I really want to read a mermaid book. Why didn't that happen?

The straight up copper IUD has no hormones (hormones make me death-y). It is currently in my body and is the most best thing ever.


Paris Jackson is my new favorite celebriperson.

I think you're assuming Beyonce's reasoning for not calling herself a feminist is the same as Taylor Swift's. What the people on the thread are trying to say, though, is that Beyonce is reluctant to use the feminist label not because she thinks the label portrays her as an icky, hairy arm pitted, man-hater, but,

I am aenemic right now (not preggo though)... This is excellent news!

This is my favorite thing to read of all of the things.

one of the most common side effects of maltodextrine is explosive diarrhea.