
oh I am so glad to hear the jack johnson thing. he's always seemed like such a warm hearted guy. I don't think I could've handled him being a jerk right now.

what is the thin blue line and why haven't I seen it????

endo is the worst of all things.

wait... biopsies cause cancer? I have had a bunch of biopsies... I will now commence being terrified

I agree this is probably not the best way to achieve proper power 'equality'. But I haven't seen many other viable/applicable options. I really want to and I work really hard to find them but I haven't. I am totes open to considering non 'special-status-for-at-risk-groups' strategies but it's just really hard to

No I don't. There's really no way I could play varsity basketball. I'm 5'3 and I can't jump for shit.

I'm not attacking you. Just trying to explain an alternate point of view. I do not have 'a name' for you because I don't really want to spend anymore time thinking about this guy. I "get it" in that I thought I understood what you are trying to say. But maybe I don't. I think it is safe to say we will never see eye

I hear you on the fuckin' bongos. For a large part of the summer and fall a certain protest movement in my city would beat on pots and pans as a means of protest. It was all fine and good (but annoying) during waking hours but some of those arsewipes would get drunk and stoned and decide to reconvene their 'protest'

look I get it. But the problem is the comparison itself (even though you've added the edit) could still be considered a little insensitive. Rosa Parks is not just a singular case of bus inequality but an emblem for the civil rights movement. Employing the rosa parks case to support your argument is basically re

you can't see it but i'm nodding in approval.

Wouldn't people signing up be made aware of this though? My gym regularly closes for religious holidays that I don't observe and sometimes it closes for university based events... I often find it annoying, but, as I inquired about opening hours prior to signing the form and they made me aware of this, I kind of just

oh come on now. Do not sully Rosa Park's name with this. I get what you're saying about wanting equality, but christ almighty... This dude's issue is not the bloody same. Give Rosa some respect.

A nice "cocktail" of whiskey and some salty salty tears. It was "semi" homemade because the tears came from my eyes... which are in my body... which is in my home..

fuck. me. really? i just put my damn winter coat in the damn unreachable shelf in the damn closet. Man, the world is just such jerk this week. Isn't there some sort of place where I can just go and sit with some puppies for a while. Maybe I'll sneak into an old age home during dog therapy hour. They should have a

Word. I don't think cops get enough praise sometimes... particularly times like this.

I think we should all start having "stupid sorority girl" themed parties.

my brain damn near melted when they asked that

I think there are some pretty damning photos that have been circulating around. I've never seen them (thank sweet merciful jebus) but whatever was on them must have been pretty traumatic. Whatever it was was enough for this girl to kill herself. Maybe it will turn out that it won't be enough in the laws eyes but

I know. All I could think when I read that was "are there no calories in tissues?". Then I felt guilty about even thinking about the caloric value of tissues. It also made me think all of the "starving people eating grass so they could feel full" stories from various droughts/ humanitarian disasters that I have heard

Now playing

I am so with you on this. I was holding up so good and then I couldn't find any matching socks this morning and then I tripped up in a wire and then I just went straight to hell. I think everybody in the whole world just needs to stop for a second and take a deep breath and stare at the video of a baby elephant