
Which institution? If you can name an “institution” that people can go to be treated for her condition, I’ll shut the fuck up. But when people say shit like this, mother fuckers don’t realize this health care system does little to jack shit about accessible, mental health treatment. And she was a fucking nurse!

It’s called the American *dream* because you have to be asleep to believe it - George Carlin

ND because Kanye West is a nutcase and people should probably stop covering whatever insane bullshit he’s spewing on any given day.

There’s a machine I use at work that sometimes freaks out and stops running its conveyor belt. The fix is just to pop open the panel and press the, “OK,” button.

I try to live my life as a live-action cartoon as much as possible


Is it just me, or is the dash badly cracked?

Turn it into a gay cruise

That thing would make a fucking fantastic artificial reef.

Ship name, does not check out.

Sailed when parked.

Hey now, this site just went a full week without a typo.

Leaded gasoline for cars finally disappeared from the Earth for good in 2021, but its affects will be with us for a long time.

If I absolutely needed to, I’d buy the cheapest, oldest, realistically reliable thing I could find until things calm down.

Seems like a bad time to buy a new car, just in general. Or a used car. Any car, really.

That car could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence. 

No way this car rolled over 1 million miles. There’s odometer shennanigans going on here. Show me the Carfax!

When “isn’t that ugly” is headline worthy praise it’s not going on my list of candidates for a next vehicle. 

It has a digital odometer, so I don’t think it could have actually rolled over. I’m guessing the seller either hit the wrong button or doesn’t understand what rolled over means. Maybe it was in a rollover accident at some point?

Let’s see...all show and no go? Boy racer’s spoiled wet dream? Cop bait that the cops can catch on foot?