A Duck With a Lisp

And Skip Bayless thinks it's still 1998. "Bosh.0," in honor the number of championships he's won, would have been a better choice.

Jake's non-QB scenario can work for more than 7 or 8 wins, given the high quality personnel on the team. Install the Single Wing and confuse the shit out of the opposing defenses who aren't as good as yours.

So the lesson here is: not to hold a grudge.

Ed McMahan:: Norby Williamson, Lynn Hoppes and Rogger Goodell

Will Tommy and Emma pull extra duty when Roger Goodell suspends Petchesky? Don't kid yourself and think he can't... or won't.

...whenever a bill comes up to give full voting representation to DC residents conspire to kill it with riders to repeal DC gun control laws (this in a city that used to be the country's murder capital).

What if Amelie Mauresmo were a dude?

So you're saying there's a chance she'll agree to play UConn in the near future?

I've said it before, and I will say it again... This is the funniest thing you've ever written Tommy.

I offer it to you fully aware that I come off like something of a prick.

"Your Honor, as its first witness, the defense calls Tab Hunter to the stand."

The NYT Arts section covering True Blood would be like some asshat editor at The New Republic writing about the NFL.

Will Drew be offering a counter-point:

I wish I would have talked less. Opinionated == Annoying to most people, something I was slow to grasp.

The gun, a .45-caliber Colt revolver

Perhaps you should stop reading Deadspin's comments altogether.

It's a feat that has never been accomplished

God hasn't actually forsaken Tebow. He's just busy at the moment distributing grit to Danny Woodhead, Wes Welker and a host of special teams players.

Rowing on the Hudson River in the late 60's would have made one both a jock and puke.

Oh cool. This is your "cranky, bitching about politcs and failing to make a joke" commenter account. I stopped using mine.