A Duck With a Lisp

I was unaware lax culture has become so mainstream. Good news for the guy who sells Big Johnson/Coed Naked lacrosse tees.

Will a Canadian franchise please win the fucking Cup so the NHL can stop punishing America?

Hipster Pope Benedict was Red Sox throwback fan before it was cool.

Gibson's sin was not being an anti-Semite per se. No doubt there are plenty of those floating around Hollywood at any given time. Rather, he failed to express his antisemitism in the Hollywood approved manner: Making insane remarks supporting Palestinian terrorists while simultaneously condemning Israel.

Without stars, there's no way for pink commenters to say outrageous things that cause knee-jerk approvals by starred commenters who just have to zing them with a clever retort.

This answers a question that had been keeping me up at nights: Why in the hell did Drew buy a minivan?

Seems odd to read a DS post about a fraud and 3rd Base that doesn't involve baseball memorabilia.

We get it, you don't have a fucking clue what the issue is. No need to beat us over the head with it.

Edit: Reply to wrong comment.

"It was offensive, but not in the way you're going to write about," she says. "It was offensive because we're not all Canucks fans. I'm a Flames fan. The next Passion tour stop is in Rwanda. Do I have to go to that one to avoid having to help the Canucks?"

The Jets continue to demonstrate their zero tolerance policy regarding QB dong pics.

Since a lot of commenters have decided to post their SAT scores, I thought I'd say: I have no idea what my scores were. Really, I don't remember. Got my degree, have a good career and nobody has inquired about my SAT scores since my freshman year of college. Even then, it was a verbal version of the dick measuring

I don't understand this comment. People who care for Drew's writing will read it and laugh at his outrageous remarks like suggesting wearing a cheap ball point pen in your lapel.

PJ, you'll want to leave one of the science books behind and bring a '73 Olds Delta 88 instead.

The way to stop these shady practices is to stop paying players and give them scholarships, including full room and board.

He should be able to help the Cubs build upon their 66 largely irrelevant seasons in Chicago.

His life's dream was to throw a fucking fish on an ice rink. There's no way anyone assumed he didn't die because of his own stupidity.

During inclement weather, spectators at JetBlue Park are required to remain in their seats. Any attempts to get up will result in their wrists being bound by zip-ties, followed by an anal probing.

We would get up early in the morning at the University of Miami, working out three times a day, not eating that much, drinking a lot of water. Randy, he'd play a lot of mind games with me and he was there for me. He taught me how to work.

Jeremy was propositioned three times. He refused the first two times, yet the jackass continued to press. At that point, he's free to flip the fuck out on the guy. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? I SAID NO! ARE YOU ENGLISH COMPREHENSION SKILLS THAT FUCKING SHITTY?"