A Duck With a Lisp

Nice to know Tommy and I feel the same way about Friday weddings.

The original source for this story was traced back to Bleacher Report.

Drunk or not, Lowe was damn well not going to turn down a challenge from this guy.

it's odd to see the head of a billion-dollar business publicly demanding that a woman be put on a leash

I think "supervillain" is a reasonable description of DeMaurice Smith.

And Rice Krispies treats aren't actually baked.

So the New York Mets are essentially a Ponzi Scheme at this point. That's not technically ironic, but Alanis Morissette wouldn't know the difference.

I would like to point out that for decades, the Packers split their home schedule between Green Bay and Milwaukee. They're able to maintain their status because of their proximity (~100 miles) to the Milwaukee metropolitan area and it's 1.5 Million residents.

Tomorrow, Jim Cooke will weigh in on the subject in prose form. There will be no obscure words or historical and social references, just a lot of monosyllabic words.

What better nickname could exemplify an NCAA team than that of a people who's ignorance was exploited for the financial benefit of others?

What Drew meant is that Peter Parker is not an asshole in the comic book.

No reason not to use negative ages to answer Jeff's question. Bang a 25 year old, then the corpse of some woman who's been dead for 5 years.

"Just use boobs."

Nevermind, Steve_U was first and funnier.

they finally mention that they go to a school called St. Johns in New York.

I was always taught to be the absolute best at whatever I do

Agreed. But he might still be here under an assumed name. Not that I care, so long as he dispenses with the assholery of his shuttledik persona.

He generally preferred prostitutes, because he had neither the time nor the inclination to court properly.